Four Pillar Society Tarot: The Sun


(Heavenly Aspiration)

Artist’s Notes :
The Moon with her lessons taught has set and a new day has begun. Everything seems so much clearer now. Blindingly clear, as a matter of fact. I hear tell in mythology about the silver apples of the moon and the golden apples of the sun but then the golden apples lead us to  Eris, the goddess of chaos and discord. Slighted by a forgotten invitation she rolled her apple into the halls of goddesses, a golden one with the word “Kallisti” on it (For the most beautiful). Several of the goddesses and probably more than a few of the gods started arguing to whom it rightfully belonged. They decided to hold a pageant and selected Pari s to be the judge of which goddess was indeed the fairest. As a reward, he got whatever he wanted and he chose Helen of Troy and so started the Trojan War.
What an amazing feeling to know that you can have anything that you want and indeed on a beautiful sunny day, that is exactly how it feels. Of course, the curse of getting what you want tends to be twofold. Once you get what you once wanted. Two, you have to live with the consequences. But let’s ignore that right now and just adore that beautiful golden light.
About the Archetype:
After the long dark night, we have the Sun. The shadows resolve themselves as we see that we are the ones who have cast them in the first place. The Sun trump means that on many levels we have reached and integrated our shadow selves and are able to live realized and complete lives of joy and laughter. It does not mean necessarily that we have realized what it is we must do with our new understanding. That comes later. It means tho that we have everything in perspective in a truly golden moment. We see ourselves as spiritual beings with a strong central core of self and with that understanding very little can phase us. We have regained our inner sense of innocence. it is not by coincidence that most portrayals of this card show garden imagery as in a sense we have regained the garden and can now play both with child-like wonder and renewed understanding of who we are.
It is good to remember though that the sun at once illuminates and blinds. In showing us just how wonderful the world of manifestation can be, it can blind us to what lies beyond.
Astrological Correspondent:
The Sun (☉) – Essentially the Astrological Sun is who we are at the core of our being. It might not be the self we show externally to the world or even ourselves, that is the ascendant. The Sun is our central nature, our core being. It is this reason why so many people, guided by newspaper and magazine columns tend to believe that their sun sign is the be-all and end-all of the astrological influences. Other planets govern such things as our aspirations, who and what we love and fight for, our desires, and our dreams but our Sun is our basic identity.
The sun influences our health and vitality. It is connected with royalty and with one’s paternal influence. It also has an influence on our personal leadership style.
In a Reading:
When the Sun comes out in a reading, it indicates a time in the querent’s life where they are filled with confidence and the Sun is truly shining. It seems like even things that would normally be distressing are taken in their stride. Laughter and abundance are present and realized. This may often come after a time of confusion when the positive aspects of life were difficult to realize. The Sun is always shining even when there is the illusion of night. If the Sun shows up in a past position it may, depending on the other cards mean either that the querent is trying to recapture that positive feeling or has let themselves be thrown by whatever has come up that is obscuring that sun. In a future position, it may easily mean that good times are ahead even if it doesn’t feel that way in the present. There is clarity and simplicity associated with the Sun card. The Sun may also mean that the querent has realized or will realize a new level of understanding and insight as if they have been handed a new key to understanding. The Sun may have the simple mundane meaning of travelling to warmer, sunnier climates.
When the Sun is reversed or badly aspected, the positive energy is still present, tho the querent cannot see it. Either worry about the outcome of the present situation or lack of self-confidence may be obscuring the view. This may happen because the querent is overcomplicating the situation and jumping at shadows. Perhaps what is missing for the querent is clarity and some inner work is needed to allow the sunlight in. The inverse sun may also indicate that the querent is being too optimistic and Polyanna-like in their view of things and they are missing things that they should be paying attention to. It may also mean that the querent needs to simplify their lives and remove things that are blocking their sunlight and causing undue complications and stress. Perhaps they need to go within and meditate on what’s positive in their lives so they can see it more clearly.
Fate’s Whisper:
It started with a bang. One instant every minor energy bias fought for power, the next they were given life and form. Though it was never intentional, the reality was born from the clash of the four absolute biases. This would become the first form of worship as each bias had its inner void filled by this act. To show their appreciation they offered to help this new balance prevail. Some energy sought this through destruction others chose creation. With all these moving forces it became impossible to see it all.
This sense of blindness we all start with is but the first of many double edge swords. while the radiance is nice it can blind us to the subtle parts of our growth. The glory and praise feel good after an eternity of torture but can make one soft if left in excess. What will you do with your moment? Shine or Stagnate?