Tarot Post – The Universe


XXI-The Universe (♄)


The Universe (f)


The quest is finished
At this level completion
Journeys never end


I have made it through the quest
and now have reached the end
My journey is now complete.
Friends have helped me through
and I have found my way
Never thought I’d accomplish this feat.


The party has begun
This celebration of me
Accomplished I join the dance
Those last steps seemed so hard
I had almost given up
Glad I decided to take the chance.


Tomorrow I may find
a new quest to begin
a new level of self-discovery
for the circle never closes
the dance never ends
more layers to the eternal mystery
–G A Rosenberg


With the Aeon card, we find our purpose. With the Universe that purpose is realized. We have unified ourselves with our shadow, have discovered our potential and have realized it. Now there is a new and fuller understanding of who we are and our place in the universe. The great journey has ended and there is celebration. The limitations that we have placed on ourselves have been surpassed. We have greater insight into ourselves and the great dance continues.
However the ending is the beginning of something, always. The dance never stops and there are always new goals to reach for and further self-discovery and realization to reach for. The Universe inevitably leads back to the Fool in full circle and the journey forever begins anew for what appears to be a circle is actually a spiral that never ends.

Astrological Correspondence – Saturn (♄) – The Saturnian energy is that of the teacher. It gives us the life lessons we need in whatever sphere of influence it resides at the moment. Saturn shows us our limits and challenges us to face them and move beyond them. Saturn is also the ruler of time which in itself is a self-imposed limitation for most of us. It represents the wisdom of old age and the onset of maturity which can be thought of as the understanding of what it was all for. It governs to some extent personal responsibility and how well we live our ideals and principles and how well we communicate them through our actions.

Astrologically the element of Earth(Earth)is also connected with The Universe trump. In astrology, the influence of Earth nurtures us and grounds us. It focuses on the practical and attainable while helping us to achieve more. The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are all involved with achievements of a practical nature and of our responsibility in the maintenance of it.


Runic Correspondence-Gebo(“Gift”)geboGebo means gift and ecstasy. It is gift in the idea of exchange of gifts, not in the sense of sacrifice as much as in the idea that by living our purpose and sharing what it is ours to give, we receive from the universal mother. It is a living exchange of beings each living to their highest purpose. Gebo is also a rune of harmony both internal and external. Other runes connected with the Universe trump are Hagalaz and Sowelho.


Path on the Tree of Life – Path 32-Tau-Tau means “signature” and it represents the final stamp on our being of who we are and who we are constantly in the state of becoming. It is the Path between the Sephiorth of Yesod(“Foundation”) and Malkuth (“Kingdom”) and represents the manifestation and materialization of everything that has gone before it. Tau also represents the cross of matter that is the training ground of our spirits. In the Sefer Yetzirah it is known as the Administrative Intelligence. It is also the path that links the physical to the astral plane and so deals with manifestations of archetypes and such matters as lucid dreaming.


When the Universe card turns up in a reading, it is usually an indication that a cycle has reached its successful completion. All the hard work and life lessons that have come are paying off and the querent is finding a sense of closure. It is a good time to celebrate the successes and start preparing for the journeys ahead. It can also indicate a time when the querent is in a good position to realize their place in the world and in the process they have just undergone. The Universe card may also mean that one’s emotions, mind, body and spirit are all working together in a harmonious way. The card basically indicates success in whatever area the reading pertains to. It may, depending on other cards and position indicate that one or two final blocks must be removed before the success can be realized. It can also indicate that a period of travelling the world lies ahead of the querent.


When the Universe is reversed, it may mean that the querent is standing in the way of their own success. Perhaps they are seeing or setting limitations on themselves that get in the way of their completing what they have set out to do. Perhaps they have come to the final steps of their journey and then stopped either because of fear or lack of self-confidence. There are times when a person’s life has become so defined by the journey that they are on that the final steps become all too difficult because it means that they will have to find a new way to define their lives. Reversed the potential shown in the Universe trump is still there it is just blocked in some way. The querent can follow the example of the dancer on the card and just dance their way through pretending that the limitations are not there.


Tarot Post – Hanged Man


XII-The Hanged Man(▽) (♆)


The Hanged Man (F)The Hanged Man by G A Rosenberg


For my beloved
I hang down sacrificing
myself to myself


Feeling my heart open
feeling my wounds bleed
My soul spilling out
of view and precious need
to reveal what’s inside
That spark of truth
that separates bifurcates
my age from my youth
I lied to myself
so easily when young
living my parents’ lives
the songs my culture sung
Now in reflection
I see myself true
must reach inside
and pull myself through
In view of my future
I dissolve my past
until I am finished
I struggle held fast
Now I am living
my own inner truth
I no longer need
the protections of youth
— Gary A Rosenberg


Reviewing my life
from a new perspective
wondering how i came to be here
hanging around but tied in place
unable to move
yet my mind dances
as I see new possibilities
now that I’ve met my true love’s heart
struggling with the ties from my past
unable to move
Revealing my self
and letting my self know
becoming the person I never knew
dissolving my being yet i find myself
unable to move
Letting my self go
to brand new places
I now am moving towards that star
I’ve feed myself through loves depths. Now
I’m able to move


The Hanged Man is one of the most powerful images in the Major Arcana. In Norse mythology, Odin hung upside down from the world tree for nine days and nights in order to achieve wisdom and received the runes as a reward. In Christian lore, Peter insisted on being crucified upside down because he didn’t feel he was worthy of dying the same way as Jesus. The Hanged Man implies sacrifice of the self to become something more. In many religions there is the idea of the sacrificed deity that brings about the redemption of his followers.
What does sacrifice mean? It means giving up something to achieve something more. In this case we give up something of ourselves to reach some kind of understanding.
If the Lovers represented the first meeting of the opposites in a relationship, then the Hanged Man represents the knowledge that in the relationship we must be willing to sacrifice who we are to join with our beloved and become something more. The ‘I’ must give way to the ‘We’. If the Lovers represents leaving home and building a life outside of the society we grew up in, the Hanged Man takes it to a deeper level where we must examine our internal values and determine which of them come from cultural conditioning and which are truly part of ourselves. In order to become who we truly are and who we are meant to be, we must be willing to sacrifice who we were. The self reflected in the water symbolizes the image of who we could be if our external self and life truly reflected the internal. Thus in many ways it is the realization of a need to change which leads to the path of enlightenment.


Astrological Correspondent-Water(▽) Planet Neptune (♆)-The Hanged Man like The Fool and Judgement (or Aeon) cards have a double astrological attribute, a planetary one and an elemental one. One of the reasons for this is that in the hebrew alphabet (used on the tree of life) the letters are split into three groups. These are the three Mother letters (Aleph, Mem, and Shin which represent the elements Air, Water and Fire), Seven Double letters (Beth, Gimel, Dalet, Koph, Peh, Resh and Tau which represent the seven known planets Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and Earth) and twelve Simple letters which represent the 12 signs of the zodiac. It all works rather nicely. However since these assignations were made three more planets were discovered in our solar system Uranus (who’s astrological nature fits well with Air), Neptune (a planet with a decidedly Watery nature and influence) and Pluto (a fiery influence). Some readers, deck designers and students of the tarot have connected the three planets with the three elemental cards. Since there is such a close fit and examination of any correlation can bring insight I include both possible influences in this writing.
Neptune’s influence is dreamy and illusory and governs among other things, insight and awareness that comes from a state of heightened or altered consciousness. This can be double-edged resulting in transformative experiences but also in its more negative form can lead to addiction and hitting the well too many times with little to show for it. Neptune influences our spirituality and beliefs and our intuition. Its important to develop the discernment to know the difference between when our intuition and heightened states reveal truth and when it reveals a message that is personal to our own development. Neptune also influences psychic receptivity and visions.
Water is the elementary influence over the signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water has an emotional, sensitive influence with hidden depths and currents. It can be dreamy and moody, compassionate or brooding, empathetic or self-indulgent all in its cycle. It flows into everything around it and can be boiled by fire (or extinguish it), damned by earth (or interdependently nurturing towards it) and dispersed or interwoven by air.


Runic Correspondent-Eihwaz (“Yew”) Eihwaz-100x100Eihwaz is the rune of sacrifice and the connection between the material and spiritual worlds. It offers enlightenment and insight and the knowledge of ‘dying before dying’. The resin from the yew is poisonous and its vapours tho toxic can cause a hallucinatory state. Eihwaz also represents the World Tree that Odin hung himself upside down on to receive the wisdom of the runes. It is a rune of initiation, protection or confusion. The Yew tree is flexible and it bends but does not break. Other runes associated with the Hanged Man are Tiwaz and Isa


Path on the Tree of Life-Path 23-Mem-Mem means water or seas. It is the path of the water redeemer (esp in the Aeon of Osiris) and the sustainer on the water. It is the path of surrender and is called in the Sefer Yetzirah the sustaining consciousness. It is the path that connects the sephiroth of Geburah (“severity”) with Hod (“Splendour”). It is spoken of often in terms of enlightenment and indeed it takes the discipline of Geburah to take us beyond the intellectual understanding of Hod and bring the kindling of Wisdom. It also takes a willingness to surrender who and what we are for who and what we may become.


The Hanged Man in a reading may indicate someone who is very independent with a unique take on the world. It may refer to someone who is breaking free of old conventional ways of being and becoming themselves. The Hanged Man can also mean that there is a delay and hold up in plans and the querent may need to reflect on whether what they are hoping for is really true to themselves or not. It may also indicate a transformative relationship for the querent where they will have to surrender a bit of how they see themselves in order to make the relationship work. This does not mean becoming someone who they are not but more a realization of how by bending they may become something more than they had known. The Hanged Man may also mean that the querent has to sacrifice something in order to get another thing that they want. In all of these cases there is a vulnerability but also an opportunity for growth if one is willing to stretch and bend. The card can also represent delayed rather than instant gratification or a surrendering of momentary pleasure for joy.


When the Hanged Man comes out reversed in a reading, it may indicate someone who is conforming to social expectations rather than living their more unconventional dreams. It may refer to inflexibility or moving forwards. It may also refer to the querent feeling as if they are sacrificing a lot and having nothing to show for it. It may mean a time in the querent’s life when they are reacting passively, waiting for life to happen rather than making it happen especially if they have to give up the comfort of their everyday life to do so. The inversed Hanged Man may also mean that someone is dwelling in the shallow end of their life and needs to find a deeper purpose.

Tarot Post – Strength (Lust)


XI – Strengt / Lust (♌︎)

Strength Strength by G A Rosenberg


Surrender the struggle
to her passionate embrace
Strength found through release.


Give forth to every yearning
real and imagined
Let yourself go into ecstasy
Ride the Lion with Seven heads
with Bare abandon
Know me through pleasure
Yearn for satiation
yet care less to find it
Abandon yourself to all forms of debauch
and know me there

Drink deep from my grail
and loose yourself
beyond all reasoning.
Let me be whore and mistress
and giver of delight
for in passion’s heights I am found by all
in surrender to every desire
you will drink of my cup
and know madness
and union with my mysteries

True Strength comes not from repression
but through knowledge of the beast within
free yourself in my cup of pleasure .
— G A Rosenberg


What does it mean to master the inner self? Does it mean that we clamp down on our every wayward thought, habit and desire? I have met many people like that and they tend to resemble time bombs or pressure valves that will one day lead to a disastrous explosion. We cannot find that kind of inner control by repression. For one thing, it becomes way too easy to lose sight of that which we are suppressing in the first place and where our hungers lie.
True Strength comes from letting our feelings and hungers out and examining them in a loving and compassionate way. It means finding places and situations where we may do this safely. By giving reign to these passions, we learn to name them and work with them and use them. Our wants, desires and wounds that need to be healed are seldom the problem. It is the way we treat them that tends to make them into uncontrollable demons that terrify us. It takes strength and courage to face our demons and find that they may become our greatest allies.
In his Thoth deck Aleister Crowley calls this card Lust. Many people are afraid of the strengths of their lusts. They want or need things that they feel they have to keep secret and lose sight of why and how they lust. The satisfaction of our desires can lead to union with an ecstatic union with our inner selves if we allow them to. There are always ways to do this that do not involve harming others or ourself. In this way we come to wisdom and a greater self-confidence and mastery than any we have known before.

Astrological Correspondence-Leo(♌︎)-The Leo energy has immense self of itself and its power. It is as enthusiastic and courageous as its symbol the Lion. It is ruled by the sun and takes its pride of place in leadership and holds it through its sense of dignity and honour. The Leo energy is great for friendship but needs to know it has control. It likes to have the spotlight and can be very dramatic. Leo has an immense capacity for enjoyment of life in all of its forms but wants to both make it fun for everyone and wants everyone to know that it comes from its largesse. Leo is amazing at group dynamics especially when it is at the head of the pack. Leo is an innovative energy and dislikes few things as much as routine.


Runic Correspondence-Uruz(“Aurochs”)uruzUruz is the rune of sexuality and health. It is associated with the wild boar or aurochs. Uruz is unrestrained health, strength and energy and there is very little repressed about it. While the force of the rune may seem threatening, it offers an opportunity if one flows with it and learns to master the force through learning its ways. This is the rune of the warrior and also of the wanton. Other runes attributed to Strength are Wunjo and Sowilho


Path on the Tree of Life 19-Teth-The meaning of Teth is Serpent. It is known as the intelligence of the secrets of spiritual activity. It represents both control of wild animals and discourse with spiritual beings. Since the serpent is the serpent of wisdom, it does not represent a control of the control but rather control of the heart. It connects the sephiroth of Chesed (grace or mercy) and Geburah (Strength or Severity). It takes the devotion of Chesed to harness the strength of Geburah, a willingness to understand the wildness within rather than to try to surpress or repress it. Teth’s number is 9 and represents the feminine energy of the triple goddess.


When the Strength card turns up in a reading, it may indicate that it is in a time when we feel that the querent has things under control. Things that have been stressful have been mastered and the querent has confidence in their ability to deal with anything that may come up. The card may also indicate that there have been inner struggles that have been resolved not through brute force or through repression but with compassion towards themselves and others. Perhaps the querent is undergoing some form of inner test where they are attempting to master either an addiction or some perceived weakness. The Strength card could be leading them towards the hunger that the weakness is feeding and show that they have it within themselves to satiate the hunger without the addictive behaviour. This leads to true mastery of the situation rather than repression. If this is a present struggle than the querent can be assured that this mastery will come in time and that they will find the inner strength they need.The Strength card can also indicate that the querent needs to present a stronger more self assured face to the world.


Inversed the Strength card may show that the querent feels week and that they can no longer continue the struggle. They may feel like they are the victims of their inner demons and lack confidence. It may indicate addictive behaviour that has been triggered in some way or it may represent a long term struggle. The Strength card reversed may indicate that they are in a relationship that is destructive and where the passion is out of control in a negative sense. The querent may need to be reminded of struggles they have overcome in the past and mastered and need to be more compassionate towards themselves.


Tarot Post – The Chariot


VII-The Chariot (Cancer ♋︎)


The Chariot The Chariot by G A Rosenberg


Triumphant Journey
Horses now pull in tandem
Their Master smiles.


I’ve taken control
of my life and circumstances
I have passed the tests
brutal and long.
I demolished all obstacles
that blocked me from my goal.
I stand ready to journey
Onlookers cheer as I ride by
at breakneck speed
in full control of my vehicle.
Well Armoured,
I know now what I can do
and will triumph
by the will of the all
no matter which way I am pulled
and no matter the dangers ahead
— G A Rosenberg


When we are ready to leave home and make our own way in the world we feel triumphant. We have made it through the trials of adolescence and feel unstoppable. In the best cases, we are armoured in the love and support of our family (or family of choice) and community and feel more than up to any challenges that life may throw us on a material level. This is an example of the Chariot force in action. The Chariot represents that feeling of taking charge in life through the use of will. The Driver does not need reigns to direct the two horses pulling his chariot. Even tho they may be drawn in two different directions, he controls his movement forward through the use of his will. He has confidence that he will succeed in his endeavours and that the world is his to make of it what he will. The victories that he has gained in developing this control give him knowledge that he can conquer anything in his path.
The Chariot also represents the vehicle in which we move. This could be considered on many levels whether it be our bodies, our cars or our spirit. Our vehicles serve as both protection and propulsion. They are how we move through the world and how we handle them can be a symbol for how we handle the externals in our life. We may be pulled in different directions as we experience the seeming contradictions of life (shown by the two horses facing different directions) but it is our will that directs our vehicle the way we wish it to go.


Astrological Correspondence-Cancer(♋︎)-The Cancer energy feels safest in its home environment. It is a nurturing and emotional energy tho prone to moodiness. Cancer’s planetary ruler is the Moon and its moods can be almost tidal in their nature. Cancer has a great drive to see things through but can withdraw into its own shell much like its symbol the crab. Also like the crab, Cancer can make a home for itself anywhere it goes without having to rely on others. It also has the ability to project that feeling of home to those around them to make a loving caring space for them. At its best (i.e. when it is feeling most secure) there is little that Cancer cannot accomplish.


Runic Correspondence-Kenaz (‘Torch’)kenaz-100x100Kenaz is a rune that symbolizes the harnessing of light for the use of heat and illumination. We can use this inner light to create and transform that which is around us. We fuel this light by acquiring the knowledge and materials that we need in order to move forward. We can then use this light in order to acquire new knowledge along the way so that we can accomplish even more. The rune can also represent Divine inspiration and rebirth through sacrifice. Other runes associated with The Chariot are Hagall and Algiz.


Path on the Tree of Life – Path 18 – Cheth-The meaning of Cheth is fence. It represents the fence of our home in which we gained the love we need to sustain us and extend to others. This can be in a familial sense in which (hopefully) we learn both unconditional love and the discipline it takes in order to sustain that loving environment. It also can refer to the more esoteric idea of divine love from the universe who’s love is ever flowing and in the name of that love provides us with the trials we require for spiritual growth. It connects the sephiroth of Binah (‘understanding’) and Geburah (‘severity’).


When the Chariot turns up in a reading it often indicates success in the matter at hand. A victory has been one and the querent has control of the situation. In matters of dispute it does not necessarily mean that all sides have reached full agreement as much as they have due to the querent’s efforts agreed to work together towards a common goal. Since so much of the victory depends on the querent’s own confidence and personality, he must continue to remain focused on the situation until it has reached its conclusion. The card may also refer to a current struggle for control that the querent finds themselves in. It may be one where there is a pull in several different directions and it is up to the querent to determine which solution is optimal and to sell it using their own confidence and personality. The Chariot may also refer to a need for the querent to reign in or learn to use their natural aggressiveness to better effect. It may also indicate an upcoming journey.


Inverted the Chariot can often mean that a situation has gotten out of the querent’s control. It may feel like they are being pulled by several different opposing forces and they cannot get it together to decide which way they want to go. It maybe that there natural charisma and force of personality is not working for them the way it has in the past and they need to learn a new way of pulling things together. It can often be a time where discipline and focus are being called for. The reversed chariot can also mean that the querent has to let go of the need to be in control of every situation. It maybe a time when they have to learn to let go and let someone else make the decisions for awhile.


Tarot Post – The High Priestess


II – The High Priestess (Moon ☾)


High PriestessThe High Priestess by G A Rosenberg


Holding her secrets
All that anyone may seek
she carries within.


She holds mysterious beauty
Standing silent
bathed in moonlight
I long to know
what lies beneath her veil.
I have lost my way
and need to continue
tho I know not where
I have so many questions
she takes them all
without reply
Will she ever speak?
Are answers to be found
in her book
and will she share them
with this bedraggled fool?
Yet we remain
and she remains
untouched and untouching
contained and content
Without her I cannot go on
yet within, within I find my way
across the void desert.
— G A Rosenberg


The High Priestess is feminine to the Magician’s masculine. Where the Magician is active will, she is passive intuition. The Magician gives forth and the High Priestess takes in. She represents the lunar current which ties into the subconscious. When our mind is silent and still any and all answers can arise from us from the abyss which links us to the all.We may not be able to consciously carry the answers back yet the knowledge remains.
Tho the High Priestess represents the feminine, the card also represents the balance between all dualities. After all, everything is contained within the temple of the subconscious. She is at the entrance to the temple between the two pillars, the dark and the light (each which like the yin-yang sign contains a bit of its counterpart). From the interplay of duality almost anything can come forth. She is a figure of devotion, receptive to all. The number 2 (represented by the pillars among other things can be seen as symbolic of the vagina. In silence she accepts all and in silence she answers. Because we can’t hear them spoken, we often believe these answers to come from our own minds.


Astrological Attribution – The Moon (☾) – The astrological moon relates to the unconscious and the messages that come from there. It casts no light of its own but reflects whatever light strikes it (and in turn reflects that light onto whatever it touches). The Moon lights our dark night and shows us what we need to protect ourselves. It goes through cycles of casting greater and lesser amounts of light and influences tides (both in the water and our bodies which are mostly water) and emotions. It is the part of us that knows on a deep intuitive level whether or not we can communicate our knowledge.


Runic Attribution – Pertho PerthoThe appearance of this card suggests a dice cup (notice the receptive feminine appearance of it) and represents both psychic information, intuition and secrets. The goddess attribution is Freya (the all-mother). As a talisman, it heals mental dis-ease and disquiet among other ailments.It is both a revealer and concealer of secrets. It also represents initiation.
Other Runes connected with the High Priestess are Uruz and Orthilla.


Path on the tree of life: Path 13-Gimel: Gimel means Camel and just as a camel conveys one across the desert, Path 13 is the first path that crosses the abyss linking the spheres of Kether and Tiphareth on the center pillar of the tree. It has been called the Path of highest initiation and is the gate between the soul and the spirit. If Tiphareth is the light of the soul then it can be said that Gimel unites that light with the darkness of all-being. It is also referred to as “the unity directing consciousness”


When the High Priestess turns up in a reading it indicates that this is a time to be silent and tune into our own unconscious and listen to what it is trying to tell us. It tells us to pay attention to dreams and other symbols that may be appearing to us. This may be a time of incredible spiritual growth happening beneath the surface, not yet ready to manifest in the physical. Changes are coming if we but open ourselves to them. In a reading, it may also represent the need for us to turn to our feminine side and the understanding that that gives us. We may have grown inattentive to the Goddess force that lies within all of us (men included). The card may also represent a romance that we may wish for but will not manifest in a sexual way at least. At its most essential tho, the card means to be open to whatever intuitive messages are coming through in whatever area is being asked about.


When the High Priestess is reversed or badly aspected it can mean that we have not been listening to the guidance we have been given and are suffering because of it. It may mean that we are blocking our subconscious and need to find ways to open ourselves up to it. It is a good time to meditate and clear and try to reestablish connections with our inner self. It may be that while the querent is usually well tuned to their inner nature, events of late have felt too rushed or too chaotic and so they have been blocking that voice. Nothing is ever so busy that a time out to reflect and meditate is not a good idea.


Tarot Post – Magician


I – The Magician (Mercury ☿)


G`The Magician by G A Rosenberg


He wills to create

The magician lifts his wand

Energy flows through


Receiving the fire
and letting it flow through
using all the tools at hand
to create
on screen and off
according to my will
Soon something will exist
that wasn’t before
except in imagination
Letting manifestation happen
the more i open to it
the more if flows through
not so much a part of me
as coloured by my being
and by the power
that inspires.
–G A Rosenberg


The Fool falls and lands. Where before the Fool was whole with the potential to become everything, now polarization has happened. The Magician is male to the Priestess’ female and active to the Priestess’ passivity. One way of looking at the Major Arcana is the quest to reunify these two into a realized World / Universe at the end.
The Magician utilizes his will and channels spiritual energy into accomplishment. He uses all four elemental tools (The Wand, The Chalice, The Sword and The Disk) to aid in this.
Another way of saying this is that through his will uses the power of his spirt (wand, fire, spirit) his emotions (cup) and intellect and knowledge (Sword, remember that the Magician’s astrological attribute is Mercury which is connected to the mind) and his sexuality (pentacle) to effect changes in his environment.
Regarding the last, given that we manifest in the physical it could be said that the Magician’s most powerful tool is his staff (between his legs). This is also true of the Priestess also but until the Magician opens the way with his staff, it remains secret, then she becomes the Empress as her Nature becomes manifest.
For those who may be inclined to take the above statement too literally, remember that we each contain all the archetypes within us. Which means that we all have our own Magician, Priestess and Empress and all the others as well.
The Magician also represents the trickster archetype and teaches usually by tricking the student into learning what he or she needs to know. (Consider Merlin, Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan or Socrates in the Peaceful Warrior Books by Dan Millman.) In tricking others, tho it is quite possible that he will surprise himself with a lesson or two as well. One of his lessons is learning to discern whether his results are objective and tangible as opposed to subjective. Another is to use his powers in a way that is true to his authentic self as opposed to wasting his energies on whim.


Astrological Attribution: Mercury(☿) – Mercury’s energy is all about fast transmission and communication. It also relates to intellect and logic. In Greek mythology Mercury was the messenger of the gods, always in motion. Thus those who have a strong Mercury are likely to move swiftly from thing to thing to thing, going in, doing what they can and then move on to the next thing. Mercury also is related to the sensory impressions and the moment to moment intake of information.

Runic Correspondences – Mannaz(‘Mankind’)
Mannaz is the rune of thought and intellect. It has to do with using our energy for self-actualization through study and personal commitment. It encourages personal responsibility and that towards the rest of humankind and how we interact with the world.
Other Runes that have been connected with the Magician are Pa and Ansuz.


Path on the Tree of Life: Path 12 – Beth (‘House’) which links Kether (Crown) to Binah (Understanding) – If Path 11 involves manifestation than Path 12 involves the transmission of knowledge underlying manifestation. It is referred to as the intelligence of transparency.


When the Magician turns up in a reading it can mean that a time of great creativity and communication is at hand. We feel energized and can accomplish anything and that the things and people we need to help us will show up. Indeed quite often they will be caught up in our enthusiasm and be swept along. It is a time of inspiration and manifestation where we are able to impose our will on the world around us. The Magician tends to utilize and channel all in this process so when the reading refers to a relationship, it may be one where manipulation is present. A question that may come up when the Magician shows up in a reading is, “Who’s agenda is being followed? Who does the Magician represent in this situation?”
The Magician can also refer to a situation where we need greater focus and concentration. </h4?

When the Magician comes out reversed in a reading, it often means that we are blocked in some way. It is possible that we either don’t believe in what we are doing or that we don’t feel like we deserve the outcome that we are trying to manifest. The other cards in the reading may give an idea on what is blocking us. It may mean that we are repressing something that we need to take into account. This blockage may come from external sources as well. It may also mean that we are misusing our energies and imposing our will on others irrespective of what they may wish.

Kathara Grid – Exploring new ideas

Lately I’ve been reading and exploring some of A’shayana Deane’s material about starseeds and finding it quite interesting. One of the ideas I’ve encountered is that the Kabalistic tree of life is an imperfect version of the actual tree. The actual graphic or Kathara Grid as I understand it is the morphogenetic template upon which our beings are based…
I do find an interesting symmetry in this version of the tree. A balance that seems to be missing from the Tree of Life…
As I said, new ideas and new metaphors to explore