Quote of the Day – December 17 2012

“Nothing is generous. New knowledge is a valuable commodity. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we are.”
― Kurt Vonnegut


Perhaps its such a valuable commodity because its a seller’s market? So many people avoid knowledge like the plague and to them you can’t give it away. There are those of us tho hungry for new knowledge and it is on us that knowledge brokers survive. Even there, some of us are more like gourmets in nature, only accepting the good stuff, knowledge that’s proven to harmonize with universal principles and erudite material that one must have the equivalent of three university degrees to understand. Others of us are gourmands and will consider any flight of fancy and love pushing ourselves if not outside the box into whatever boxes possible. When it comes to knowledge I am one of the universal dumpster divers willing to leap in and look over whatever anyone is throwing out. Thus breadth is added but also an amazing depth when all the sources end up weighed and sorted through.
Blessings, G


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Seven of Pentacles

Tarot – Seven of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


He Starts His Eduacation

He Begins His Education by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 2 2012

“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”
― Bruce Lee

Tho sometimes the most difficult thing may be to discern the difference between the three. So many things in my life that I thought useless that later on became essential to know and things I thought I would always be able to use that later on proved useless. So many cant’s and shouldn’ts

What have I to offer that is totally my own? Perhaps just what is in each of use to offer, a unique perspective. Noone else looks at things exactly the way that each of us do. We each hold views of the universe that can be static but when we listen to another, the kaleidoscope that is our reality tunnel shifts just a little and if open to it we can see the world in a whole new way.
I am eternally grateful to those who have turned the kaleidoscope for me and I hope I in turn have turned it for others
Blessings, G

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Angelic Art Play
Angelic Art Play by G A Rosenberg
Explosive Mandala
Explosive Mandala by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – November 5 2012

“Artists are most themselves when they are out of their minds, transcending the ego skirmishes of conceptual thought, and intuitively relinquishing control to the greater Creator”
–Alex Grey, The Inner Artist


Letting go, releasing all my bullshit and giving in…letting it flow.. yes…so often I find myself trying to drive and navigate when it doesn’t matter where i go as long as the expression is true…so much needs to come out still..buried passions and shadow stuff that even as I express I tuck away ever playing a game of peak a boo with my own awareness. How lame is that? or if not lame, tame, we tame ourselves, make of our inner spirits the domesticated pets of our own ego and why? to maintain an inner core of what we tell ourselves is sanity when what we really need is madness…can’t we trust ourselves to come down again, trust the guidance of our spirits and that greater Creator? Why can’t we just let go and let God, the inner God that we all are?
Blessings, G


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Journey Through the Mind’s Eye by G A Rosenberg

Monochrome Crystal Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 21 2012

“If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.”
― Marcus Aurelius

We return to the elephant. You remember the one of which the blind men disagreed as to its exact nature.( Quote of the Day – March 26 2012)  If the blind men were to try to integrate their views of the elephant they would come to a greater understanding of its nature just as each individual view of reality we are able to integrate with our own can bring deeper understanding. I had an interesting discussion this evening about the above quote.  I want to write it as if it was instead had by the blind men.

Blind Man 1: To me this elephant is like a tree trunk. What is it like to you?

Blind Man 2: We know the elephant exists and that is enough. Our true selves know the nature of it.

Blind Man 1: That is true but how does that further our understanding here and now. If you tell me what the elephant seems like to you, perhaps by looking at both, we can gain greater understanding.

Blind Man 2: The elephant only has whatever meaning we give it.

Blind Man 3: WTF?

It’s not so much that I disagree with Blind Man 2 just that his point of view does not seem helpful in terms of living life to the highest degree of truth possible. Nor does it help promote empathy towards the experience of the other blind men. It occurs to me often that many of the problems that our world faces today comes from lack of empathy and compassion (the ability to step in another’s footsteps).

Blessings, G

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Red-Gold Galaxy by G A Rosenberg

Blue-Red Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – August 9 2012

‎”Biographies bore me. I don’t care how insightful a biographer is, no one knows what’s going on inside someone else’s head. Autobiographies bore me, too, because we lie to ourselves even more than a biographer does. Here’s what I think the bottom line is: if you’re looking for truth, try fiction…. I’ve always believed that the lies we use to make our fictions reveal the truth with far more honesty than any history or herstory or life story. ”
— Charles deLint

Tell me a story.

What kind of story?

How about one where we can believe that heroism exists and that love survives and thrives. How about a story about life in a kingdom who’s rulers are just and care about the land and the people. One where in the end people grow and change and noone goes to bed hungry and alone and no one has to worry that their neighbours will hurt them because they can and they take everything. How about a story where happiness exists and can be realized, recognized and honoured?

Oh I see. You want fiction, a fairy tale

No I want a real story about the life that I live in my heart…

Blessings, G

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Opal Infinitude by G A Rosenberg/h5>

Quote of the Day – July 8 2012

“If you understood everything I said, you’d be me”
― Miles Davis

My first thought when typing this quote was “or perhaps telepathic” but thats not quite it. Even if we could read each other’s minds and know what we meant, it would take years of knowledge and experience in order to understand (or innerstand as a  few of my friends would have it) from where the emotional content of what I said arose. We could understand the content but not the source.

Perhaps that is how it should be. If we are, as I suspect a good deal of the time, the universes way of understanding itself then perhaps it should be at least as difficult as self-understanding is for us. Perhaps as well, understanding may be a goal that we always approach but never quite reach, much as grasping absolute truth while in the physical body. For if we do contain multitudes and universes within us, absolute universal truth and the heart of another may not be that far different.
Blessings, G


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Water Om by G A Rosenberg



Prairie Dusk  (photo)

Quote of the Day – June 27 2012

“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?”

― John Lennon

Anyone who has read this blog before knows how much I agree with the sentiment above. Yet this believing in all things and all faiths (or elements thereof) tends to be a difficult thing to explain to people who believe in one standard belief (including atheism which as far as I can tell is a very strong conviction that there is no guiding intelligence in the universe. I see this as being a slim possibility tho too much in life seems to me miraculous to hold on to that notion as anything more.

“Do you believe in Jesus?”

“Yes I believe many things about Jesus.”

“Hare Krishna, Hare Krisna

Hare Rama, Hare Rama

Krishna Krishna

Rama Rama”

“Jai Ganesh”



Om Namaha Shivaya”

Also entreaties to almost any deity from any pantheon including some of the darker ones. They to me are all part of the whole.

Tonight I received a stern talking to from my son who due to normal adolescent curiosity came across a conversation I was having about Satanism. I had to explain to him that no I am not a Satanist. His curiosity is usually sated by telling him I’m eclectic tho he still tries to find a box he can fit his father’s beliefs in. Still he’s concerned what his grandmother may say. I reassured him again and sent him to bed.

It’s funny tho when you consider how our belief systems tends to demonize that of others. The nature gods Pan and Cernunnos oft get mistaken for Satan and when you start talking about Wiccan beliefs, forget it. I have known Satanists in my life and many of them nice people tho a bit extreme but self-limiting as well. Most of them are just Christians at heart trying to show how rebellious they can be.

As always I try to understand the underlying centre of all beliefs and show respect towards them all.

Blessings, G

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FIre Amulet by G A Rosenberg

Neon Star Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 15 2012

“Would you rather live your life according to the approval of others or aligned with your truth and your dreams?”
― Robin S. Sharma

Absolute answers
require a sacrifice
I’d rather not make


Can you live just a piece of your truth?


Is it possible to live all of it all full time without compromise? I know that truth is addictive. It is a habit  I’ve been getting into.  Turning  my world on its ear or perhaps just setting it right..


Can I handle the 100% full-time unvarnished direct living of truth?
How can I not?


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Wishing by G A Rosenberg

Rings Around Rose by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 6 2012

“If you are truly a seeker of Truth, Truth can not hide from you. It is in the Lap of truth that you have happened. Most people who claim to be seekers are only seeking security, solace, or the fulfillment of their desires.”
—-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

This echoes to me of many things. Jack Nicholson telling Tom Cruise “You can’t handle the truth”, indicating that the truth can take shapes we may not wish it to.
So often we go in search of answers but the questions sometimes remain nebulous. A man wants to know why his wife is distant and less attentive than she used to be but doesn’t necessarily want to find out that she is having an affair with her best friend. Another finds out that everything he was brought up to believe was at best half-truths. Indeed I have always been bemused by people who have been able to hold on to early beliefs. Still I’ve talked a lot about Integral Thought and the elephant and I think that the truth tends to be both simpler and more elusive than I yet can see.
Blessings, G

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Blue Stone Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Rainbowed by G A Rosenberg

Towers by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – April 20 2012

“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul”
–Walt Whitman

In this blog I’ve talked a lot about truth. I’ve discussed truth that is objective and truth that is subjective and truth that is too big to understand. But what about that that doesn’t ring true? Many of us discover at a fairly young age that our government, teachers, religious leaders have lied to us. As we grow older, we start to learn just how extensively we’ve been lied to and sadder yet how many continue to believe the lies and deliberately expose themselves uncritically to a culture that encourages us to stop thinking, go along with things, Pursue things that are meaningless and perpetuate the corrupt system. Eventually we reach the point where we have to say “STOP!” We dismiss the bullshit and try to clean up our own. As nice as it would be to think that by thinking critically, we can remain untouched by the corruption, I know better. However we can clean ourselves up, live the highest truth we can and expose the lies to those willing to listen. All it takes is clarity and courage. I’m sure I have those around here somewhere 🙂
Blessings, G

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Yearning by G A Rosenberg

Patterning Red, Black White and Green by G A Rosenberg