Notes on: The Two of Swords

(Held to Truth)

Artist’s Notes:
A Male Figure with the head of fox spars with his reflection in a cavern. He is working at conceiving of and countering any move that an opponent may utilize against him. In a very literal sense, he has his sword at his own neck, ever seeking to improve his skills and his strategy so that when the time comes he will know when to act and the best way in which to do so. Above him is the i Ching hexagram which corresponds to this energy T’ai or Peace where both the Earth trigram and the Heaven Trigram are in balance in each other’s natural place.
It often feels in these times as if life is pushing us not to act in ways that would be beneficial to our progress and growth, but to react, following other people’s agendas and not our own.
It helps then, to prepare ourselves and challenge ourselves each step of the way. Is this really the time to act? Is this what I want to do? Will this benefit me and others in the long run or is it just surrender to Adrenaline and the mood of the moment?
Sometimes, the best course of action is to not act until the time is absolutely right and then to act fearlessly without any self-doubt whatsoever.
About the Archetype:
The suit of swords represents thought, ideas, and plans. Twos represent duality, subject, and object. What do we do when two separate ideas are presented to us. We can let them battle themselves into the ground and engage in endless debate or we can sit with them first contemplating one and then the other, thesis and antithesis until we reach a synthesis that integrates the best aspects of both. The forming of this synthesis can bring total release and peace. Of course, then a new antithesis to the synthesis appears and the process continues.
Astrological Correspondent:
Moon in Libra – The Moon in Libra is all about peaceful aesthetics. People with this placement tend to be aware of all sides of a situation and are able to find a compromise (synthesis) with all. Again though this synthesis comes from a full understanding of all sides of the equation.
In a Reading:
When the Two of Swords shows up in a reading things are at an impasse and it might be time to withdraw and consider both paths. There is an inherent tension between Thesis and Antithesis so eventually, it will need to resolve but time can be taken to look at both and arrive at the optimum solution. (Compare this then the Two of Wands which suggests immediate action)
When the Two of Swords shows up reversed or badly aspected in reading then the weight of the decision has become too much. Either matter have fallen out of our hands or things have collapsed because of the inherent tension.
Fate’s Whisper:
The Spider once told me that his definition of friendship was someone who always had his sword at your throat forcing you to grow.
Another time he told me that this symbolized the three points of the friendship sword and that friends should have swords at the heart and groin as well.
The Spider doesn’t have many friends.
Nor is he wrong.


Notes On: Two of Cups

(Elemental Unity)

Artist’s Notes:
As we move through our lives, we meet other travellers, each with their own qualities. The qualities we are most likely to see in them however are the ones that most closely either reflect our own or those of our shadow self that most of us suppress. This may seem like pop psychology yet I have found there to be more than a kernel of truth therein.
Quite often those we are most attracted to either as friends or romantic partners are not those with whom we are compatible but rather those who can teach us the most. It’s too bad so many of us need to experience some pretty hard lessons. If the lessons needed are mutually learned, then the couple may continue to grow together as each exhibits new qualities. Way too often, one partner develops ahead of the other only to find themselves unhappy with a relationship that once shone brightly. It takes commitment to be willing to wait for someone to catch up so that once again you can challenge each other.
Venus in Cancer is the astrological correspondent. While the surface level of this placement means bringing that love and relationship into the home, it is also very cautious. It is a precarious harmony that does not like to rock the boat and new relationships are practically guaranteed to do that.
About the Archetype:
Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.
Twos deal with duality, subject and object. With the two of cups, another has appeared, the one has become two and together the two are greater than the sum of their parts.
This archetype is all about the harmonious energies that draw two beings together. s This card is about bringing together two opposites complete in themselves, who when combined can become something greater than the sum of its parts. Of course ultimately how they combine may depend on how well each is attached to his own being.
Astrological Correpondent:
Venus in Cancer –Venus in Cancer refers to the way many go into a love relationship. Even when it feels so right in so many ways, we get so traumatized by past misconnections that we feel cautious. Still, we wish to have this loving nurturing relationship and it is a strong one. Venus in Cancer wants to build a home together.
In a Reading:
In a reading, the Two of Cups often denotes a strong relationship that is usually at its beginning. If the relationship has been ongoing, it can mean a new beginning and strengthening of the relationship that wasn’t there before. It can also indicate meeting someone who has qualities that you are lacking in your own life that you need to learn to integrate. If it is in the past, it could mean that your relationship has moved beyond that fresh excitement of being new and shiny and now it is time for the work to begin
When the card shows up reversed or badly aspected in a reading, it can mean that something has gone wrong in the relationship that one is currently in. Distrust and Jealousy may have entered the picture and the partnership may be facing some challenges. Perhaps what each needed to learn from the other has played out or perhaps a new appreciation or beginning is needed.
Chance’s Tail:
Narcissus became so caught up in his reflection that everything else became unreal. He rooted himself and became a flower that all would admire but none would identify with. It’s often much more rewarding to look at our reflection in the eyes of another and see the Nor-I and learn what we can for in the long run, it is not really a matter of I and Not-I but a matter of I manifest and I in shadow. Let’s become each other’s shadow puppets together and so learn what we’re missing.