On Being a Guest in Someone else’s Youniverse

Who else lives in the same universe you do?


In anybody else’s universe we are a guest, and hopefully we can learn to conduct ourselves accordingly.

1) Only touch things with permission and put them back afterwards.

2) Never criticize and give honest feedback only when asked.

3) Don’t have expectations of what we will find in another’s universe of self. I try so hard not to play ‘accidental tourist’ and demand that the universe’s to which i am privileged to visit be just like mine.

4) Look for the beauty wherever we travel. I have never been to a place (or a person) that did not contain beauty.

5) Realize that no matter who I may be communicating and in what way, I carry my universe with its ‘laws’ with me. Perhaps the universe I am privileged to look at is compatible with my own. I can guarantee that in some ways it will be just as I can guarantee that in others it will differ. It seems silly to treat these differences with anything but a sense of wonder and imagination.

(to be continued or further explored)  –GAR

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