Quote of the Day – November 23 2011

“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
–John F. Kennedy

Yet the market seems to have closed and truth too often seems determined by the highest bidder. Really feeling random this evening so I may just go streaming my consciousness on this one folks.

  • People in general, when they either see an image of Hitler or hear mention of him attached to an argument lose the ability to speak or act rationally. It seems the fastest way to either ignite the argument beyond any ability of the rational to rein it in or end it.

  • I see so many interesting questions to debate and even more aspects of other questions that I find it hard to understand people who argue by insulting someone with an opposing point of view. Do  I have less attachment and thus less conviction to any question at hand or do I just enjoy having questions more than answers.

  • Still seeing how many licks it takes to get me to the centre of the Tootsie-Pop..Wow don’t know if that demonstrates my age or my attachment to the media

  • I have now seen photos of that pepper-spraying cop spraying every being from  Munch’s the scream to the Beatles on the Abbey Road album. I feel amusement but also concern. This police officer nonchalantly sprayed a number of non-violent students at the University of California in Davis point blank range in their faces. At the very least I feel he should lose his job if not be jailed for assault. Do I want to in any way think of that as being cute or amusing? I don’t believe I do.

  • Love and experiencing joy in simple things beats just about anything.

Namaste, GAR

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Lone Rose in a Blue Field by G A Rosenberg

Fire Om by G A Rosenberg

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