Quote of the Day – May 13 2012

“To survive, you must tell stories.”
― Umberto Eco, The Island of the Day Before

This quote seems to sparkle on the surface. So much of our existence seems due to the stories we tell ourselves. Our stories reflect,  inflect and infect our being. Who was I there? Was I hero or victim, bystander or villain? Did I save the day or get lost in the woods? Did I grow or did I sink into despair? Is that story over yet or is this just a brief respite in between chapters?

Yet I wonder are stories truly necessary to survive? When we meditate isn’t the idea to shut the stories down and be in silence? If so, then what part of us needs the stories to survive? Does meditation give us the necessary space in which to change our stories, change ourselves? Stories may be necessary but we can keep improving the stories told.

Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-size

Solar Plexus by G A Rosenberg

Heart’s Mist by G A Rosenberg

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – May 13 2012”

  1. So brilliant and true. The story tellers of this world are the ones that define us and give us meaning. I am still daily moved by this book – one that I read now many years ago.

  2. We ARE our stories, individually and collectively…the stories change and we think they are different stories but in essence they are the same stories that our cave dwelling ancestors told each other around the fire…great post!

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