“The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.”
― David Foster Wallace
The question comes for me is how to balance that freedom of responsibility where so much attention, awareness, discipline and effort are needed, freedom of the self, time to meditate, create, and integrate. It always strikes me that the answer will probably be more easy than I make it. I seem as capable as most people I know at overcomplicating things but somewhere that balance exists. I believe it is probably different for each person.
Blessings, G
Namaste G,
This is such a beautiful shield. The energy seems much like AA Michael’s shield. AA Michael’s shield and sword is Electric Blue or more muted – soft blue. I would usually ask to borrow Michael’s light and send it down the streets around my neighborhood to keep it safe. Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork with us.
Thanks you as always Agnes…your words and energy are very appreciated, Blessings, G
Energy radiates, repeats, like a unit, swirled..and it ‘s design is based on repetition..sometimes it seems like an innocent flower or motif, latter is static..unlike freedom. The word free, seems to me as a speed..a flash..a force..yes..words mau have different meanings for each of us.