Quote of the Day – January 2, 2013

“A poet is a blind optimist.
The world is against him for
many reasons. But the
poet persists. He believes
that he is on the right track,
no matter what any of his
fellow men say. In his
eternal search for truth, the
poet is alone.
He tries to be timeless in a
society built on time.”
― Jack Kerouac


In the physical, can we truly move beyond time? We acknowledge the ever Now and the ever here yet scramble to locate ourselves, for each moment perceived also becomes unique. No one is the same age as me and no one has seen this road before. With empathy and compassion we can feel another’s road but to feel it is not to tread it but to understand it.
I enjoy this ever changing snowflake now for the paradox it is. Being in my head may be painful at times but would not trade it for the more i work the manual for mine, the more insight i have into others in the here now with me. We all journey together on the same journey yet our destinations have already been met. I love talking in paradoxes. Paradoxes may be the only language that exists to describe reality mechanics..
Blessings, G


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There to Catch Should I Fall

There to Catch Me Should I Fall by G A Rosenberg


Infinite Amazement

Infinite Amazement by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – January 1 2013

“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald

Happy 2013. May all the things that no longer serve, have ended with 2012, all the things that we wish to persist continue and all things we wish to have, enter into our lives in this new year. May we love and know abundance along with challenges that awareness of this world and our own shadow nature bring. May we look forward to what is to come with little disappointment in what has come before but rather an acknowledgement that that was what we needed then and what we need now to be a little more complex.
Blessings, G

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Cosmic Birth

Crowned and Conquering Child by G A Rosenberg

Motion in Space

Motion in Space by G A Rosenberg