Tarot Post – Page of Pentacles


Page of Pentacles (Earth of Earth)


Page of PentaclesPage of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


The seed is planted.
Youth believes it can become
almost anything.


I found a giant seed
so colourful, its texture
smooth here, rough there
I study it fascinated
I will nurture the plant
that grows, learning how
to tend to its needs
as I learn to tend to mine
I will embody its strength
and will to manifest
as we both become what we may
a seed sprouting
into a mighty presence.


Note: As with all of the court cards, tho I may use the male pronoun, the card can easily refer to either male or female.


The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Pages (or Princesses as they are called in many decks) represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involved. The Page of Pentacles encounters his own nature, both sensual and as part of the world. He studies the disk, open to all its lessons and wishing to learn everything he can to prepare himself for everything the world has to offer. At this stage the possibilities are endless for anyone truly open and there is awareness that the more preparation and knowledge (whether it is experiential, intuitive or learned) he has the more of his potential he can realize. He senses his own endless potential and seed-like nature. He dreams of what may come from his studies and encounters and knows that he can manifest anything of which he dreams.


I Ching Correspondence – 52) Kên – Keeping Still

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The Trigram of the Mountain is doubled. There is an incredible stillness to Mountains yet all form of activity may be happening below the surface and eventually life may manifest abundantly upon it. This hexagram speaks a lot about learning one’s own nature before having greater involvement with the outside world. It is an influence of meditation and study. It also speaks of seeing everything new as if it were the first time it was encountered. When we see things in this way then we free ourselves from preconceptions and are more open to the present moment.


When the Page of Pentacles turns up in a reading, we may have started a new course of study or apprenticeship that we are excited about. It is a time of learning and of growth. It may also be a time when we need to still ourselves and discover new potentials within. It is a time of taking the first steps towards realizing the plans and dreams that we’ve carried within.The Page of Pentacles may represent a young person, somewhat dreamy who has a particular area that they wish to learn more about. The Page of Pentacles may also mean positive news on the financial front. It may also mean that the time has come to start actualizing the potential that we’ve held in check.


The reversed Page of Pentacles may mean that we feel blocked in the manifestation of our plans. It may mean that we have not yet put forth the work needed to actualize our dreams. It can also refer to to much of a focus on short term enjoyment of things rather than making future plans. The Page of Pentacles can also be telling us that we have completed our course of study and now we are ready for a break.



“When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty…….. but
when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is
― Richard Buckminster Fuller


When a solution is found that not only solves the problem but does so in an efficient way we call it elegant. Elegance is a type of beauty that involves both simplicity, efficiency and grace. In our lives, we encounter many varieties of problems. So often we settle on make shift quick fixes that appear rough and unfinished. Oh they last for a while but if we don’t find a way to integrate them fully in an elegant manner than the problems will reassert themselves. Therefore for a solution to be fully workable it must have that elegance.
Blessings, G


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By Any Other NameBy Any Other Name by G A Rosenberg


Ornamental2Ornamental by G A Rosenberg

Knowing and Forgetting


” ‘Is that how it is for you?’ I asked.
‘Is what how it is for me?’
‘Do you still know everything, all the time?”
She shook her head. She didn’t smile. She said. “Be Boring, knowing everything. You have to give all that stuff up if you’re going to muck about here.”
“So you used to know everything?”
She wrinkled her nose. “Everybody did. I told you. It’s nothing special, knowing how things work. And you really do have to give it all up, if you want to play.”‘

–Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane


When I was younger, I used to believe that I wanted to understand everything. Not necessarily everything there was to know, I don’t believe I was that foolish. I wanted to understand everything and everyone I came across. I’m rather happy these days that I didn’t get that foolish desire granted. Can you imagine what life would be without the fun of discovery? I love having bits and pieces of knowledge that I can put together like a jigsaw puzzle with lots of blue sky and grass that I can only start to see patterns of shade in. It feels awesome when another piece clicks into place. Once in awhile I get a fleeting glimpse of the shape of the whole puzzle but I know I can never carry that. Besides, while I still want to understand (grock fully) as much as possible, I don’t want to give up the play of figuring it out as I go along. It is the play that keeps me humble and feeling young beyond my years.
I heartily recommend The Ocean at the End of the Lane, the newest book by Neil Gaiman. His combination of myth and masterful storytelling has crafted a truly compelling fairy tale for adults
Blessings, G


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Raven Stealing the SunRaven Stealing the Sun by G A Rosenberg


MeltdownMeltdown by G A Rosenberg

To Destroy is to Create

“The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.”
― Pablo Picasso


Destruction and creation are inextricably tied together. What is change if not destroying what is so that something new can take its place? If you want to destroy something utterly what you want to do is create openness where that thing currently exists. Every moment of every day, we destroy something in ourselves in order to create something new. On a physical level, its how our digestive systems work. On a mental level its part of the decision process. What is a choice but a destruction of options? For every song created, silence is destroyed. For every piece of art made, a blank canvas, paper or screen is no more. We tend to think of destruction as a negative thing and yet without it, we’d be stuck.
Blessings, G


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Many Paths TakenMany Paths Taken by G A Rosenberg


WhirlpoolWhirlpool by G A Rosenberg

Rambling Intelligence — A Thought Stream

“An intellectual? Yes. And never deny it. An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself. I like this, because I am happy to be both halves, the watcher and the watched. “Can they be brought together?” This is a practical question. We must get down to it. “I despise intelligence” really means: “I cannot bear my doubts.”
― Albert Camus


Every idea followed to its end will eventually lead to a paradox. I believe its possible that a symptom of various types of maturity is one’s ability to be comfortable with paradox. The witness watches it all. Our thoughts flow and chase each others’ tail and the witness sees. We cry because our own sense of personal injustice came into conflict with that of a loved one and the witness sees that too. We have so much knowledge at our finger tips and we spend so much time clinging to ideas and thoughts to the exclusion of others, trying to decide right and wrong rather than to try to integrate and learn from it all. Lewis Carroll had it right. Believe six impossible things before breakfast. But then ask. Why do I believe that these are impossible and does believing them affect how possible they are? Perhaps that would be a question best asked of your local clergyman tho the answer may be lacking. My thoughts tonight bounce around like a pinball tho occasionally the machine lights up.
Blessings, G

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Night ShadingNight Shading by G A Rosenberg


Atomic CentreAtomic Center by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Prince of Pentacles


Prince / Knight of Pentacles (Air of Earth)


Prince of PentaclesPrince of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


The land’s protector
shows us all life is sacred.
We can live in peace.


Step by step
I carry on.
I know my path
and I will see it through
This routine is
but one step
and I can see the top.
I’ll follow as
so many have
this road to my future
Let others dream
but they count on me
to be steady
as they cannot.
They fall by the wayside
where I cannot be stopped
When i reach my destination
I will be the one they ask
for I stayed true.


The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Princes deal with the transmission and the endurance of the energy, the result of the union of the King’s Force and the Queen’s generative and nurturing of the energy. When it comes to practical matters, the Prince of Pentacles is the “go to” member of the court cards. He can follow a game plan and will get it done. He does not like thinking abstractly and probably will become quite irritated if you try to engage him in intellectual conversation yet if you contracted him to paint your house or fix your car or any one of a number of day to day matters, he will follow through on it and get the job done. It may feel at times as if he is too cautious and methodical but that is because in his mind, if he is going to do something, he is going to do it right. He can be quite stubborn but in general tends to be fairly easy-going. Tho when he does lose his temper, it is best to get out of the way. He loves nature and is at his best when he can be out in open spaces.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Aries – 20° Taurus Elemental: Air of Earth-
This energy combines the Aries drive and push with Taurus caution and practicality which moves people forward but at a very slow steady pace. Those with this energy tend to love to learn new things and put what they have learned to use. They tend to be friendly and outgoing and love to be helpful in practical matters. They have very strong wills and won’t back down easily. They know how to have fun and they have a strong taste for life’s pleasures. They are highly success motivated and a strong desire to enjoy the things that money can buy.


I Ching Correspondence – 53) Chien – Gradual Progress / Development –

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The trigram for Wood is over that of the Mountain. When a tree grows, it influences all the life surrounding it. It does not sprout up and send out roots overnight but does it over time gradually. When we wish to accomplish something, it is best to proceed gradually as opposed to a lot of short starts and stops. Perseverance and patience are also needed as when things progress slowly but steadily, its all too easy to let them fall by the wayside if progress is not immediately recognized. </h4?

When the Prince of Pentacles comes up in a reading, it may be telling us that is time to be practical and not to rush into anything as tempting as it may be. The card may also represent someone in our lives who can help us accomplish something of great practical use. He knows how to work hard and get things done but always remembers to have fun and enjoy life afterwards. The Prince of Pentacles may also be telling us that it is time to ground ourselves by getting out in nature. Another meaning can be that it is time to find more appreciation and enjoyment in our lives and the paths we have chosen.


The Prince of Pentacles reversed in a reading may indicate that things have grown stale for us and that we crave something that will break us out of our routine. A project that we have been working on may have come to a standstill and we need some impetus to get it moving again. There may also be a need for thinking outside the box a bit and having more flexibility. The reversed Prince of Pentacles may also refer to someone in our lives who cannot move beyond their fixed view of things. The card may also mean someone may have become over-indulgent, more focused on partying than getting the job done.

The Road Not (Really) Taken


“What’s in store for me in the direction I don’t take?”
― Jack Kerouac


Our lives are determined by our choices. Large and small we come to crossroads daily, knowing that any decision we make may have lasting consequences. Years later we may reflect on life’s crossroads and wonder “What if?” We may spend time reflecting on what our lives would be like if we had only turned right rather than left.
Back in my younger days I used to try to cheat this. I’d stand in the crossroads trying to look down the roads of any possible choices as far as I could. I would then with loud HOORAHs choose a course go down it a short ways until something felt off and then would curry back to the centre thinking that NOW i would make my REAL choice. I did that for years with many many decisions and misfires. Eventually it dawned on me that those choices did count and the act of choosing them changed me so even when I went back to the centre, I was not the same one who had chosen the first time. For it is each choice that determines our life and our path is EVERYTHING that we do, even and perhaps especially the misfires.
Blessings, G


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Serpentine Web2Serpentine Web by G A Rosenberg


Gosamer DreamGossamer Dream by G A Rosenberg

Finding our Inner Chaos

“Chaos is what we’ve lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existence is defined in terms of control.”
― Terence McKenna


Where does creativity come from? Oh with order you get pretty designs. There’s a lot you can do with the building blocks of sacred geometry. Things organized with shape and form with rigid lines. Imagination tho is not orderly. Imagination fully expressed has very few clear lines. We go deeply inside of ourselves and draw from a well of chaos where everything and anything that we’ve ever encountered either awake or asleep lies. A concept bubbles up and we seek to express it. Not capture it because ideas don’t take kindly to being caged up. We impress our own internal order on these shapes and something begins to form. It may be a poem or it may be art. It may simply be a new way of looking at life that has not been encountered. It begins tho with that seed of chaos. Even fractal designs are a form of order emerging from a primal chaos. Without that link to chaos nothing new is created.
Blessings, G

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Dark Sun LizardDark Sun Lizard by G A Rosenberg


Four Dimensional Cross RoadsFour Dimensional Cross Roads by G A Rosenberg