Just Desert


“They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars—on stars where no human race is.
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert places.”
― Robert Frost


Do we all carry different territories within us? Do we have the oft-traveled city streets crowded where one aspect melts into another and we can easily lose site of ourselves given all the different opportunities to be someone at least slightly different? Are there rural areas where life is abundant and we find quiet peace while we grow and know that we are not afraid of hard work as long as we can see the result spreading out in front of us. Do I have inside me a suburb where everything is pre-fab and the same outwardly placid inwardly chaotic face is shown to all. I believe I contain all of those but deep within me as well are the desert places.
I believe we’ve all experienced the desert inside of us at least once. The places that we would call empty tho in reality they are teaming with life, tho its a bit subtler and wilder. Here we are stripped down to our essentials and there is nowhere to hide. We find every ounce of ugliness inside us but also every ounce of will we have to survive. I can handle the ordeal of the desert tho I will never take it for granted for there I find myself.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Layers and LevelsOutside the 3 D Maze by G A Rosenberg


Lava Lamp MandalaLava Lamp Mandala by G A Rosenberg

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