Ripening in Time


“It is looking at things for a long time that ripens you and gives you a deeper meaning.”
― Vincent van Gogh


When I look at something long enough, it stops being the object that I started observing and starts becoming itself intrinsically, I look at the chair next to me, the brown vinyl scratched by the cat, the stuffing coming out of it, wood showing though the bottom. I notice the way the light touches the top of it. It has lost all meaning of itself as a chair and more and more intrinsic meaning, its form supplanting its function. Say a word over and over out loud and soon it loses all meaning, instead becoming a collection of noises. It seems anything studied over a length of time through any of our senses becomes more and more its intrinsic self and less and less what it has been wrought to be….
What then happens when we study ourselves?
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Telling the New Day's TaleTelling the Tale of the New Day by G A Rosenberg


(Id)iographic(Id)biographic by G A Rosenberg

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