Rewriting Anew Tale….


“I suppose the other thing too many forget is that we were all stories once, each and every one of us. And we remain stories. But too often we allow those stories to grow banal, or cruel or unconnected to each other.We allow the stories to continue, but they no longer have a heart. They no longer sustain us.”
― Charles de Lint


Writing a new tale
with new ink
on a page that has never been written on
yet the story’s shape seems way too familiar
i need to break this mould
and twist a plot more to my liking
and write myself storied
in a new image
one that expresses the becoming me….


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full sized:


Blessing of the Triple GoddessBlessing of the Three Goddesses by G A Rosenberg


Blessing of the Triple Goddess (I)Blessing of the Three Goddesses with Altered Colours by G A Rosenberg


Spinning Fan BladesSpinning Fan Blades by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “Rewriting Anew Tale….”

  1. “What do you get if you multiply six by nine? 42? That can’t be right”
    “That’s it, there’s no letters left”

    “I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe”

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Rewriting Anew Tale….


“I suppose the other thing too many forget is that we were all stories once, each and every one of us. And we remain stories. But too often we allow those stories to grow banal, or cruel or unconnected to each other.We allow the stories to continue, but they no longer have a heart. They no longer sustain us.”
― Charles de Lint


Writing a new tale
with new ink
on a page that has never been written on
yet the story’s shape seems way too familiar
i need to break this mould
and twist a plot more to my liking
and write myself storied
in a new image
one that expresses the becoming me….


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full sized:


Blessing of the Triple GoddessBlessing of the Three Goddesses by G A Rosenberg


Blessing of the Triple Goddess (I)Blessing of the Three Goddesses with Altered Colours by G A Rosenberg


Spinning Fan BladesSpinning Fan Blades by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “Rewriting Anew Tale….”

  1. “What do you get if you multiply six by nine? 42? That can’t be right”
    “That’s it, there’s no letters left”

    “I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe”

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