Exploring Another’s Reality


“I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man’s. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.”
― William Blake


We spend the majority of our lives trapped inside our own heads. No matter how often our viewpoint or reality tunnel may change there is still a certain ‘me-ness’ about it. How refreshing it can be to come across someone who thinks and acts differently. What a great opportunity for understanding. In my life there has been little I have enjoyed more than playing dress up with someone else’s worldview. I love trying it on and parading in front of the mirror and then showing friends and family and see what they think. Far too often tho, the artifice shows through and it fails to impress. This can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 20 years to discover. This aping and acquiring of someone else’s reality is a double edged sword. On the one hand there is something useful in almost any point of view. On the other hand, what is new and refreshing now can oh so quickly become a prison. There are many people who find themselves trapped in religious cults or prison who stayed at the party of someone else’s vision for too long and now can’t find their way home again. Luckily even with determined effort there is only so long that this can be sustained.Eventually we find our way back home to ourselves or at least find ourselves lost. Being lost is a lot better than it sounds as in ways it is a reset to zero and we have a chance to rebuild based on a much clearer vision.
Blessings, G


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Joining of FieldsJoining of Fields by G A Rosenberg


The Walls Have Eyes and Sometimes ThoughtsThe Walls Have Eyes and Sometimes Thoughts

Working at the Log Jam…


“Whenever you feel like criticizing any one…just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald


I am so grateful for the knowledge of (most of) my own shortcomings. It often stops me from being critical of others. It’s easy to criticize and its fun. There is that kind of sick guilty pleasure in it and so many people who can be said to deserve it. People in positions of power and authority are targets by their very presence. Yet being critical of others far too often serves as a smokescreen for our own flaws. If I criticize the lady who cut in front of me in the grocery check-out, perhaps no one will notice that I have 30 items in my cart in the express lane. It may even make me forget about it. Far better for me to work on my own stuff. This isn’t as easy as it may seem . I’ve been working on it however.
Blessings, G

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Calling For HomeCalling For Home by G A Rosenberg


Diamond Vortex MandlaDiamond Vortex Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Winter Solstice 2013


“The moment of deepest darkness holds the greatest potential. For this is when we have the most power to create the reality before us when the light returns.”
— Randall Wolfe


Another Winter solstice is upon us. The night is at its longest point and many of us become a bit more aware of time passing. Yet from the lowest ebb, light comes in and things go towards balance once more. It is up to decide what we want to bring into our lives with the coming of a new returning of light and a new year. Yes, every moment holds potential for change but it is at these cusps that we share that seem to hold the most meaning. May this solstice bring the best kind of changes and a new awareness for us all.
Blessings, G


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Heading Off To WorkHeading Off To Work by G A Rosenberg


Arrayed2Arrayed by G A Rosenberg

Working the Imagination


“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
― Albert Einstein


If our imaginations are coming attractions for our lives then why do so many of us imagine such horrible things? I do believe in the Law of Attraction to the extent that I believe that what we think does affect our future. I mean it affects our present and our past so it would only follow. Where I believe so many people become frustrated with the idea (all the normal objections about whether starving children or victims of disasters have brought it on themselves) is that it is one universal law of many and there are others such as the Law of Karma that play a role as well. Still it makes a great case for optimism. Pessimism may bring you the odd pleasant surprise yet in the long run I’d rather enjoy what’s going on around me 90% of the time than be happy that things haven’t hit their worst 10%.
Blessings, G


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Through Inspiration to ClarityThrough Inspiration to Clarity by G A Rosenberg


Inner Space 2Inner Space 2 by G A Rosenberg

Adventure First, Explain Later


“No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time.”
―-Lewis Carroll


How can we understand an experience that we have never had? Oh its easy enough to get it intellectually. This happens and then that happens and this is what it feels like. To truly know what it is to do something, we have to do it, either physically or on some other level where the experience is at least as real. Until then, unless one has truly developed their empathy to almost telepathic levels, explanations are somewhat akin to explaining an intricate piece of music to someone who has been deaf from birth. This is especially true when it comes to peak spiritual experiences. There is no way to hitch a ride on someone else’s, we have to experience it for ourselves.
Blessings, G


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Mermaid Remembering Her PastMermaid Remembers Her Past by G A Rosenberg


The Center contracts The Circle ExpandsThe Centre Contracts, The Circle Expands by G A Rosenberg

The Dance Continues


“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.”
― Rumi


dancing through hazy conversational memories,
making sense in the abstract
while the concrete moment falls around me…
Dancing, praying, hoping, laying….
and still the mountain calls.
Climbing it will be another dance
one of purpose and intent
and as I reach the top
one of vision as I seek
the next steps
My rhythm may be off
yet to my music I hold true
as gradually the tune’s completeness
returns to view…
— G A Rosenberg


And I have been so honoured by those with who I share my dance. I thank you all my fellow wise foolish dancers.
Blessings, G


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Poking the Space Time EventPoking the Space-Time Event by G A Rosenberg


Indigo StarIndigo Star by G A Rosenberg

All The Friends I’ll Never Meet


“In the long run there is no real way to stop someone from doing whatever it is they are going to do no matter how foolish, or destructive of self or the world around them. You can care but you cannot convince someone that they are not alone if they refuse to see you or your heart. Sometimes all you can do is show up as real and as compassionate as you can. Sometimes that is enough.”
— Randall Wolfe


It’s a strange thing having so many people whom I feel so close to yet in all probability will never meet face to face. With my friends on the net I have laughed and cried, shared confidences, argued with and have shared both joy and sorrow.Yet it occurs to me, with most of our interactions being somewhat removed there is no way to show sincerity or lack of it. I mean I am pretty conscious of where I am coming from at any given time and being authentic only becomes more important to me with the passing of time. Yet I have only my words and presence to speak for myself.
Perhaps that isn’t so different from life off line at that.
Blessings, G


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Her Knowing GlanceHer Knowing Glance by G A Rosenberg


Signal ReceivedSignal Received by G A Rosenberg