Mirror Me Whole

<h3“You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.”
― George Bernard Shaw


Looking in the mirror
making changes in my soul
tired of feeling like half a man
gonna recreate me whole


Make mistakes along the way
cause that’s just how I roll
seeking out my true will
make a diamond from this coal


giving my confession
clearing up my stuff
telling the truth about
the times i acted rough


seeking resolution
isn’t all that tough
Learning not to demand
more than is enough


shaping up my practice
finding a new way
of being with the infinite
living for today


Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized:


Buddah ConBuddha Con by G A Rosenberg


Intertwined Snakes on a planeIntertwined Snakes on a Plane by G A Rosenberg

Walking the Walk


“Do not pour guilt into someone’s psyche, and don’t let anyone tamper with your conscience.”
― Zeina Glo


It’s so easy to talk about emotional storms and riding out emotions both negative and positive. It’s a lot more difficult to walk the walk. I have problems from time to time with frustration. When frustrated, often my first instinct is to lash out and then close down. I have gotten better at watching it happen but still from time to time I slip. Also, occasionally I get called on it. Then my frustration with myself increased, with a good dose of guilt thrown in. Of course the end result (at my best) is that I gain self-knowledge and I become that much better at accepting what’s going on and letting the emotions flow through. At times it’s been tricky and at times I’ve hurt others (and myself) on an emotional level that I can work to heal but never quite restore.
Still it’s a part of me and I have to cop to it, Thus I dance with my shadow, embrace it and accept it. Perhaps a little more each day.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Angelic TouchAngelic Touch by G A Rosenberg


Field of MotionField of Motion by G A Rosenberg


Hearing the Tale


“Long before I wrote stories, I listened for stories. Listening for them is something more acute than listening to them. I suppose it’s an early form of participation in what goes on. Listening children know stories are there. When their elders sit and begin, children are just waiting and hoping for one to come out, like a mouse from its hole.”
― Eudora Welty


We carry our stories in different ways. I saw an old woman in the city yesterday. With her one remaining arm, she wheeled her shopping cart full of dolls down the street speaking to each of them by name..Listening to her for awhile, I realized that each one was a child of hers that had passed from some kind of terrible accident.
A teenage boy walked by. In his sagger and his ongoing dialogue, I could hear the anger that he felt at his parents and his world and his desperate need for someone to pay attention.
Two old men sitting at a chess table, revealed in each move the lives they lived. A woman in business dress looking at her watch and pausing as her eyes glanced at her empty finger where a ring used to fit told stories of an icy practicality that love could not melt. Each person wore their stories, actors caught up in the roles that they played. Except for one man. In his eyes I saw a story of hard won wisdom and a transmission of pure love. I hope some day to also be that story of transcendence.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Silent Fox in Forest At NightSilent Fox in the Night Forest by G A Rosenberg


Emerald ShimmeringEmerald Shimmering by G A Rosenberg



“The profoundest distances are never geographical.”
― John Fowles


We spoke and I felt the distance
My words could not swim
and arrive undistorted
so far the gap between us
no matter how strong their stroke
We stood together
a million miles apart
for i could not fathom
and you could not fathom
each other’s starting points.
I put a message in a bottle
and released it
hoping to reach you that way
it returned tear stained unread…
I could reach out and touch you
yet you’d never feel it
for you were too far away…
I moved
and you moved
yet the distance remained..
tho each closer to where the other began…
perhaps I never knew
yet still our love reached out
the gap narrowed but remained
as hope does
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Inside the Fish GrottoWith the Fish by G A Rosenberg


Electric Blue WavesElectric Blue Waves by G A Rosenberg

Being and Making the Change


“But to tear down a factory or to revolt against a government or to avoid repair of a motorcycle because it is a system is to attack effects rather than causes; and as long as the attack is upon effects only, no change is possible. The true system, the real system, is our present construction of systematic thought itself, rationality itself, and if a factory is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then that rationality will simply produce another factory. If a revolution destroys a systematic government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves in the succeeding government. There’s so much talk about the system. And so little understanding.”
― Robert M. Pirsig


So many of us see the need for the world to change. All too often we forget that we are part of the world and so part of the job, perhaps the main part for each of us is to change ourselves. We become more interested in tearing down what doesn’t work rather than create a world that does. Lately I have been trying to change my focus a bit. Taking an example from some of the best visioning and self-development courses I have seen, I have started asking myself a few questions and I invite you to do the same.


If the world were to change tomorrow and become the world of my dreams, what would that look like?
What values does a person who lives in that optimal world hold?
What are they like emotionally, mentally and spiritually?
Am I the personification of a person living in that optimal world?
In what ways do I fall short?
What has to happen for the world to reach that state? How could it get there?
How do I need to change to become that optimal self?
What are the first steps that I can do to become that self?
What are the first steps I can take to bring the world there?


This usually gives me quite a bit to work on. It’s amazing how much harder it is to be the change rather than just say it yet I know its possible.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Creation Engine 2Creation Engine by G A Rosenberg


Widening gyreWidening Gyre by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Magician


I – The Magician (Mercury ☿)


G`The Magician by G A Rosenberg


He wills to create

The magician lifts his wand

Energy flows through


Receiving the fire
and letting it flow through
using all the tools at hand
to create
on screen and off
according to my will
Soon something will exist
that wasn’t before
except in imagination
Letting manifestation happen
the more i open to it
the more if flows through
not so much a part of me
as coloured by my being
and by the power
that inspires.
–G A Rosenberg


The Fool falls and lands. Where before the Fool was whole with the potential to become everything, now polarization has happened. The Magician is male to the Priestess’ female and active to the Priestess’ passivity. One way of looking at the Major Arcana is the quest to reunify these two into a realized World / Universe at the end.
The Magician utilizes his will and channels spiritual energy into accomplishment. He uses all four elemental tools (The Wand, The Chalice, The Sword and The Disk) to aid in this.
Another way of saying this is that through his will uses the power of his spirt (wand, fire, spirit) his emotions (cup) and intellect and knowledge (Sword, remember that the Magician’s astrological attribute is Mercury which is connected to the mind) and his sexuality (pentacle) to effect changes in his environment.
Regarding the last, given that we manifest in the physical it could be said that the Magician’s most powerful tool is his staff (between his legs). This is also true of the Priestess also but until the Magician opens the way with his staff, it remains secret, then she becomes the Empress as her Nature becomes manifest.
For those who may be inclined to take the above statement too literally, remember that we each contain all the archetypes within us. Which means that we all have our own Magician, Priestess and Empress and all the others as well.
The Magician also represents the trickster archetype and teaches usually by tricking the student into learning what he or she needs to know. (Consider Merlin, Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan or Socrates in the Peaceful Warrior Books by Dan Millman.) In tricking others, tho it is quite possible that he will surprise himself with a lesson or two as well. One of his lessons is learning to discern whether his results are objective and tangible as opposed to subjective. Another is to use his powers in a way that is true to his authentic self as opposed to wasting his energies on whim.


Astrological Attribution: Mercury(☿) – Mercury’s energy is all about fast transmission and communication. It also relates to intellect and logic. In Greek mythology Mercury was the messenger of the gods, always in motion. Thus those who have a strong Mercury are likely to move swiftly from thing to thing to thing, going in, doing what they can and then move on to the next thing. Mercury also is related to the sensory impressions and the moment to moment intake of information.

Runic Correspondences – Mannaz(‘Mankind’)
Mannaz is the rune of thought and intellect. It has to do with using our energy for self-actualization through study and personal commitment. It encourages personal responsibility and that towards the rest of humankind and how we interact with the world.
Other Runes that have been connected with the Magician are Pa and Ansuz.


Path on the Tree of Life: Path 12 – Beth (‘House’) which links Kether (Crown) to Binah (Understanding) – If Path 11 involves manifestation than Path 12 involves the transmission of knowledge underlying manifestation. It is referred to as the intelligence of transparency.


When the Magician turns up in a reading it can mean that a time of great creativity and communication is at hand. We feel energized and can accomplish anything and that the things and people we need to help us will show up. Indeed quite often they will be caught up in our enthusiasm and be swept along. It is a time of inspiration and manifestation where we are able to impose our will on the world around us. The Magician tends to utilize and channel all in this process so when the reading refers to a relationship, it may be one where manipulation is present. A question that may come up when the Magician shows up in a reading is, “Who’s agenda is being followed? Who does the Magician represent in this situation?”
The Magician can also refer to a situation where we need greater focus and concentration. </h4?

When the Magician comes out reversed in a reading, it often means that we are blocked in some way. It is possible that we either don’t believe in what we are doing or that we don’t feel like we deserve the outcome that we are trying to manifest. The other cards in the reading may give an idea on what is blocking us. It may mean that we are repressing something that we need to take into account. This blockage may come from external sources as well. It may also mean that we are misusing our energies and imposing our will on others irrespective of what they may wish.

In Fear and Wonder


“The art of being a warrior is to balance the wonder and the terror of being alive.” Fea
― Carlos Castaneda


To wake in wonder with sounds of nature all around. The sun rises painting the sky more colours than I thought possible. I look into the tent at my love sleeping and I am overwhelmed with joy. Then several months later I meet a three year old waiting to be adopted. His little hand in mine as he leads me to eat cookies with his stuffed tigger. Can I truly be this blessed? I wonder at the universe. Flowers and new born animals and puppies. Small kindnesses showed by strangers and people who I’d never expect it from. My spirit wakes in wonder every day.
Fear taps me on the shoulder. Fear that something could happen to my partner or our son or one of those I love. Am I adequate to the tasks that my life asks of me? What if I let someone down? What if I let myself down? What is that noise in the basement? How do I explain to an eight year old that his dog has passed? The whispers of fear make me shiver. I seldom listen but still that voice continues in its cold wet tones.
I can live with fear and wonder. They are both part of this life and my path. One leads me on and the other is my teacher and they both add to the fullness of life.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Music Loomed Large For HimMusic Loomed Large For Him by G A Rosenberg


StarabstractionStarAbstraction by G A Rosenberg

Art Gallery 2014 (Updated)

The Art Gallery- 2014 page has been created and updated with the pictures from January and February . Please browse through and if you have an interest in purchasing any prints please contact me at rambled@mac.com or my webshop at http://wakingspirals.deviantart.com


Click on image to go to the 2014 Art Gallery Page:


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Screen Shot 2014-03-01 at 1.41.08 PM


Like Me on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/WakingSpirals

Tumblr: http://wakingspirals.tumblr.com

Deviantart: http://wakingspirals.deviantart.com

Thought Ghosts


“Consciousness, unprovable by scientific standards, is forever, then, the impossible phantom in the predictable biologic machine, and your every thought a genuine supernatural event. Your every thought is a ghost, dancing.”
― Alan Moore


At night
lying in bet
the thought ghosts come out to play
some bear chains
concerns about the past
or worries about mundane matter
Others dance
an ongoing soundtrack to dreams
joyous, somber, calming and terrifying
in their turn
Some delight in their whimsy
and some filled with awe
as archetypes and deities visit
and alter the landscape as
only they can.
Once I saw a whimsy
making lyrics of my friends
another singing dirty rhymes
while eating ice cream
then there was the dragons
keeping their own council
but overwhelming with their presence
I love to live inside their heads
and they return the favour
One by one they fall silent
as I pass through their land on the way to sleep.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Star PlayStar Play by G A Rosenberg


Star CavernsStar Caverns by G A Rosenberg