Fallen and Raised – Some doggerel


I don’t like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtue is lifeless and it isn’t of much value. Life hasn’t revealed its beauty to them. ”
― Boris Pasternak


I’ve seen the gutter from within
Walked empty streets a night or two
Broke and deserted and somehow deserved it
Yet somehow I pulled through


The bag with my past is ragged and worn
My mistakes and screw-ups were many
I threw hearts to the fire, rode out on the wire
Spent the trust of others like pennies.


Yet somewhere in there, I found my heart
and a soul though tarnished was there
I learned that I could start again
recreating anew from thin air


I know some who read this may snicker and scoff
and roll their eyes and make fun
All the storms I’ve made it through
have helped me find the sun


I comprehend how hard the road
and can help others to tread it
I face my life with hope and thanks
Not a moment would I edit


Thanks, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Tears of a ChildTears of A Child by G A Rosenberg


OnrushOnrush by G A Rosenberg


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