Art Gallery 2014 (Updated)

The Art Gallery- 2014 page has been created and updated with the pictures from May . Please browse through and if you have an interest in purchasing any prints please contact me at or my webshops at and


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What Makes Us Present…


“Opportunities? They are all around us … There is power lying latent everywhere waiting for the observant eye to discover it.”
–Orison Swett Marden


There are so many moments in each day that I find empowering. Anything that can make me laugh or smile or lift me out of whatever has entrapped my thoughts and brings me into the present moment. It could be the way a bird is flying through the air. It could be children playing or animals living up to their nature. It could be the attractive way that someone walks by me or a particularly beautiful pair of eyes. I see the light hitting the side of a building or hear waves rushing against the sand. I love those sublime moments and I realize for everyone I see that there are a thousand others that I miss because I am caught up in anywhere or anytime other than where I am. Anything that makes me present empowers me. I am grateful.
Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized:


Storm God in the Night ForestStorm God in the Night Forest by G A Rosenberg


Following the Trail to the Diamond WithinFollowing the Trail to the Diamond Within by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – The Chariot


VII-The Chariot (Cancer ♋︎)


The Chariot The Chariot by G A Rosenberg


Triumphant Journey
Horses now pull in tandem
Their Master smiles.


I’ve taken control
of my life and circumstances
I have passed the tests
brutal and long.
I demolished all obstacles
that blocked me from my goal.
I stand ready to journey
Onlookers cheer as I ride by
at breakneck speed
in full control of my vehicle.
Well Armoured,
I know now what I can do
and will triumph
by the will of the all
no matter which way I am pulled
and no matter the dangers ahead
— G A Rosenberg


When we are ready to leave home and make our own way in the world we feel triumphant. We have made it through the trials of adolescence and feel unstoppable. In the best cases, we are armoured in the love and support of our family (or family of choice) and community and feel more than up to any challenges that life may throw us on a material level. This is an example of the Chariot force in action. The Chariot represents that feeling of taking charge in life through the use of will. The Driver does not need reigns to direct the two horses pulling his chariot. Even tho they may be drawn in two different directions, he controls his movement forward through the use of his will. He has confidence that he will succeed in his endeavours and that the world is his to make of it what he will. The victories that he has gained in developing this control give him knowledge that he can conquer anything in his path.
The Chariot also represents the vehicle in which we move. This could be considered on many levels whether it be our bodies, our cars or our spirit. Our vehicles serve as both protection and propulsion. They are how we move through the world and how we handle them can be a symbol for how we handle the externals in our life. We may be pulled in different directions as we experience the seeming contradictions of life (shown by the two horses facing different directions) but it is our will that directs our vehicle the way we wish it to go.


Astrological Correspondence-Cancer(♋︎)-The Cancer energy feels safest in its home environment. It is a nurturing and emotional energy tho prone to moodiness. Cancer’s planetary ruler is the Moon and its moods can be almost tidal in their nature. Cancer has a great drive to see things through but can withdraw into its own shell much like its symbol the crab. Also like the crab, Cancer can make a home for itself anywhere it goes without having to rely on others. It also has the ability to project that feeling of home to those around them to make a loving caring space for them. At its best (i.e. when it is feeling most secure) there is little that Cancer cannot accomplish.


Runic Correspondence-Kenaz (‘Torch’)kenaz-100x100Kenaz is a rune that symbolizes the harnessing of light for the use of heat and illumination. We can use this inner light to create and transform that which is around us. We fuel this light by acquiring the knowledge and materials that we need in order to move forward. We can then use this light in order to acquire new knowledge along the way so that we can accomplish even more. The rune can also represent Divine inspiration and rebirth through sacrifice. Other runes associated with The Chariot are Hagall and Algiz.


Path on the Tree of Life – Path 18 – Cheth-The meaning of Cheth is fence. It represents the fence of our home in which we gained the love we need to sustain us and extend to others. This can be in a familial sense in which (hopefully) we learn both unconditional love and the discipline it takes in order to sustain that loving environment. It also can refer to the more esoteric idea of divine love from the universe who’s love is ever flowing and in the name of that love provides us with the trials we require for spiritual growth. It connects the sephiroth of Binah (‘understanding’) and Geburah (‘severity’).


When the Chariot turns up in a reading it often indicates success in the matter at hand. A victory has been one and the querent has control of the situation. In matters of dispute it does not necessarily mean that all sides have reached full agreement as much as they have due to the querent’s efforts agreed to work together towards a common goal. Since so much of the victory depends on the querent’s own confidence and personality, he must continue to remain focused on the situation until it has reached its conclusion. The card may also refer to a current struggle for control that the querent finds themselves in. It may be one where there is a pull in several different directions and it is up to the querent to determine which solution is optimal and to sell it using their own confidence and personality. The Chariot may also refer to a need for the querent to reign in or learn to use their natural aggressiveness to better effect. It may also indicate an upcoming journey.


Inverted the Chariot can often mean that a situation has gotten out of the querent’s control. It may feel like they are being pulled by several different opposing forces and they cannot get it together to decide which way they want to go. It maybe that there natural charisma and force of personality is not working for them the way it has in the past and they need to learn a new way of pulling things together. It can often be a time where discipline and focus are being called for. The reversed chariot can also mean that the querent has to let go of the need to be in control of every situation. It maybe a time when they have to learn to let go and let someone else make the decisions for awhile.


Intertwined Tales


“Our lives, our stories, flowed into one another’s, were no longer our own, individual, discrete.”
― Salman Rushdie


Who can say their story is wholly their own? Whether or not we intend them to our lives touch each others usually in the best ways. We form relationships and intertwine our experiences and our paths out of choice or out of the necessity of learning what the other has to offer. At the beginning of our lives we start out as part of the tale of our parents and from there as our own story unravels we become part of so many others. Without other people how many tales would we have? Would it be an endless soliloquy? Even when alone we are part of the story of the Earth and the humanity upon it. By reading these words I have become part of your tale and you part of mine. May our story be a happy one full of joy and love.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Portal LiasonPortal Liaison by G A Rosenberg


Border CrossingBorder Crossing by G A Rosenberg