If I told You Than…


“One of the things that has always rankled me is human secrecy. So long as this body of knowledge remains locked up in one or more human being’s brains, it runs the risk of being lost to mankind forever, ”
— Israel Regardie


When I was being trained as a salesman I was taught that people valued only what they paid for. If something was seen as less expensive, it was seen as inferior to something that cost more. Even if the thing that cost more was seen as less attractive than the cheaper item or was less well made. We confuse cost and value all too easily.
For those seeking spiritual truth it can be much the same way. Anyone can learn yoga, meditation and magick yet going through a school that spoon feeds the knowledge is oft seen as preferable. The more cost, history and secrecy is put on the lessons the more people feel that it is the real deal. Even if it rings less true than one’s own inner knowledge. It is as the old Siamese King said, “a puzzlement”
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Multiple AwareessMultiple Awareness by G A Rosenberg


Dimension BreakingDimension Breaking by G A Rosenberg


Midnight Wanderings


“At midnight I had always been metamorphosed into a solitary, estranged wanderer.”
— Anaïs Nin


At midnight the mask comes off and I stand so naked that I am unseen. Unseen by the expectations of the day people I can be more truly myself and get lost in my shadows for hours with no fear of expectation. The freedom is welcomed even if it is a solitary pursuit for any companion in my wanderings will project a mask on even the most naked of faces comprised of who they have known me to be and even more odious who they wished me to be that I were not. In the morning world, I wake to my day life and the layers and layers of motley and machier form upon me but the night’s wind never wholly disappears.


Click on images to see full-sized:


Transforming VisionTransforming Vision by Gary A. Rosenberg


Inner ExplorationInner Exploration by G A Rosenberg

Communication Breakdown


“I don’t take anything personally. I am a secondary character in other people’s stories. I know that whatever people say about me is just a projection of their image of me. It has nothing to do with me.”
— Miguel Angel Ruiz


Would that that attitude was easy to come by yet I personalize everything. It’s not that I care what any one person thinks of me. Intellectually I know that that is none of my business. Yet I wish to be understood and grasped by someone. I wish for that feeling of true communication yet it seems rare indeed.
Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized:


An Active FriendAn Active Friend by G A Rosenberg


Sea KingdomSea Kingdom by G A Rosenberg


Hunger, Resistance and Strength


“He divines remedies against injuries; he knows how to turn serious accidents to his own advantage; whatever does not kill him makes him stronger”
— Friedrich Nietzsche


Feeling need disappointed and hunger unfulfilled, I let the abyss swallow me. Not all at once but an inch at a time enjoying the ecstatic emptiness and yearning each step of the way. Every sense comes alive as I deny the needs I have disclaimed. There is such strength in refusal but such weaknesses in this unfulfilled yearning. Each day tho the storm abates with just a few reminders left. Now the desire for a cigarette has almost disappeared completely.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Finding His ReasonFinding His Reason by G A Rosenberg


Zombie NightZombie Night by G A Rosenberg


I Have Only Come Here Seeking…



h3>”The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
— Stephen Hawking


Save me from surety. It is so easy to ‘know’ things. We decide that the universe is a given way and immediately it conforms to our view. Anyone who thinks differently is either foolishly wrong or mendaciously evil. Very little will happen in contradiction to our world view that we cannot explain away or ignore until it goes away. When contradictions arise that are too difficult to explain or ignore, we can distract by pointing out what someone else is doing wrong. If we cannot see any evident wrong-doing, we can invent it and add it to our body of knowledge. We can become so busy pointing out wrongdoers that soon we will never have to explain anything and our ‘knowledge’ of the universe will remain pristine.
At least during my more cynical times, that is how the world appears.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


The Unmapped LabyrinthThe UnMapped Labyrinth by G A Rosenberg


Reality BubbleReality Bubble by G A Rosenberg


Coat of ArmsCoat of Arms by G A Rosenberg

Ephemeral Self


“Get up, walk across the room and come back. Where are your footprints? They’re gone. So where are you? Who are you? When we try explaining who we are we sort of give recitation of our history. Forget it. That’s not you. It’s some story that’s already gone. We don’t know ourselves except by listening to our echos and consulting our memories.”
— Alan Watts


I am of the moment
I exist apart from time
not who I was
nor who I’ll be.
An eternal flash in eternity
fully expressed and expressive
then fractally wiped away
by the future selves
Drops in a bucket that
form a tidal wave
sinking back into the void
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Inner PerspectiveInner Perspective by G A Rosenberg


Dreams CitadelDream’s Citadel by G A Rosenberg