(Potential Raised)


Artist’s Notes on Card:
The Sun has taken us about as far as we can go in terms of self-development on the physical plane of existence. Even in mundane terms, it indicates a pinnacle has been reached.  What do you do when you reach that top point though? Do you rest on your laurels?  Surely there is more to it than just striving to make it. Once we have made it, what do we do now? This is when we hear Judgement’s wake-up call and realize that there is a higher spiritual purpose and challenge that will utilize every skill and talent we have developed up until now and may even mean learning new ones. It is this call that answers the question of why and brings us to the fullest point of self-realization,  and self-actualization. This is the call to ascension. Of course, that is assuming, we don’t hit the snooze button on the wake-up call.
About the Archetype:
Up to now, the Major Arcana has been about reconciling the self in one form or another. The Sun marked the final resolution and combination of ourselves with our shadows. The Aeon or Judgement shows the awakening or calling to a higher purpose that comes afterwards. In earlier periods, this card was called Judgement and depicted the biblical calling forth from the graves at the blowing of the angel Gabriel’s horn. This had the implication that one had to die and be reborn in order to receive this higher calling. With the coming of a new era, it is known that life is ever regenerating and renewing and that Death is illusory. We are constantly undergoing transformation and being reborn. Thus the card’s new title reflects the age we live in now.
The word Aeon itself means a distinct period. This card reflects that in our lives we have personal Aeons as well as universal ones. Periods that can be clearly demarcated from one another usually by some transformative event such as getting married, coming out, changing careers or changing philosophies of life. We may even think of it in these terms. This was who I was in that period. This is who I am now. During those years I was someone else. In reality, these changes usually happen more gradually over a period of time but usually, there is one moment of realization or some event that we use that reflects the transition. It is these transformative events to which Aeon trump refers. That spiritual awakening that once had, can never be reversed.
This can be a time of tremendous upheaval in our lives. Change is seldom easy or without consequence. Yet very few butterflies complain that they are no longer caterpillars nor can we stay in the cocoon beyond a certain point no matter how much we may fear the transition.
Astrological Correspondent:
The Judgement or Aeon card is normally attributed to the element of Fire with some newer decks attributing it to Pluto. Bernd Merck, in his book Astrologie und Tarot, took a look at the Major Arcana in light of the discoveries of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and forged his own correspondences based on his understanding of Astrology.
Pisces is an interesting and somewhat inspired choice for Judgement. After all don’t most major awakenings that we go through, start in the unconscious mind? There is also the connection of Pisces with the concept of Resurrection and it seems almost obvious, especially given the Christian (Gabriel blowing his horn calling the dead to life) symbolism that is normally depicted on the card.
In a Reading:
When Judgement turns up in a reading, it may indicate that the querent is feeling a calling towards doing something more or greater in their lives than they have up to this point. It may come after events have shaken up their lives and it is the realization that with new insights that they have, they cannot go on living the same way they have been. The querent may have the idea that a shift has happened and that they need to actualize it in their lives. This can feel earth-shattering but empowering as well. These changes will not be easy but there will be a propelling forward as if once their intent is set out, things will fall into place and at the end of it they will have a new life. The card may also indicate a respite after a very confusing period, one in which the querent can find healing and support.
When reversed, Judgement’s call is still felt, it is resisted by the querent, however. Sometimes this may come from a feeling of unworthiness. It almost always comes from fear. It may be fear of change or it may be fear that one’s new life may not be acceptable to their family or loved ones. The querent may be closing their eyes tightly saying “No, nothing has changed, nothing has changed.” Yet something once seen cannot be unseen and the force of the Aeon is so strong that it has caused changes in how the querent sees themselves and the world around them. The outer change will follow in time no matter how strongly resisted.
Fate’s Whisper:
There is a saying that dragons pass to each generation.
“Every being faces a unique Judgement. There is no hell or heaven just the convergence of all your actions and ripples.”
The Four Pillars are no different. Bound like beasts to energize sacred pillars, they act on behalf of energies will. In turn, they must set an example of what it means to follow balance. The idea that every being can hear energy’s will is instilled in them. Following one’s heart and will lead everyone to ascend their natural infinity.
Always make the choices that feel right to you. In the eyes of energy’s will, nothing is taboo. The most significant breach of balance is the act of betraying one’s own heart and intuition. So follow your heart regardless of how others feel. After all your judgement day has nothing to do with them. Till then fly free. Judgement day awaits you at the end.


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