Healing Quest (December 2017)


With shield and sword
I enter into unknown places
to heal myself from this malaise
Guides I have
who appear at need
definitely not at will.
These places are soft and illusory
yet the dangers are real
Will I lose myself or find
that which will fix
the broken spaces in heart and body?


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Saille (Willow) by GAR


Shadow Quest (redux) by GAR


Entering the Zone by GAR


Conjuring A New Beginning (December 2017)


Night’s whisperings
A whisper from the crossroads ignites me
Do I hear her call ?
Can I follow where she leads?
The door is there and I walk through
in the dark of the moon
I will give all
until there is nothing left
and then I will welcome the naught


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Forest Conjuration (redux) by GAR


A Game of Life (Redux) by GAR


Beithe by GAR


The Light Within the Darkness


“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
— Carl Jung


Too long have I been blinded
by sleight of hand candles
held by charismatic fools.
I was a moth diving in
losing myself in their flames
Badly singed I turned away from all
within my darkness I found the true light
calling from within
empowering, enabling
I discovered self pride and self will
and a light brighter than any candle could be
Pulled within I could find myself outside the well.
— G A Rosenberg


Click on images to see full-sized:


walking-through-the-fire-reduxWalking Through the Fire (Redux) by G A Rosenberg


elemental-shamanElemental Shaman by G A Rosenberg


A Night’s Dream


“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream”
.- Vincent Van Gogh


The Night sky brings dreams and hunting
We run the forest as wolves
bringing down our prey
and eating in the moonlight
We howl our victory
and make love until dawn’s arrival
— G A Rosenberg


Blessed Be, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Talisman for DreamingTalisman For Dreaming by G A Rosenberg


Wounded AbstractionWounded Abstraction by G A Rosenberg