Changed Channeling (March 2018)


The more you invoke
the more of a connection
the more you read of books profane and energized
the more dark seeds you plant within
that is not success
on this path
it is through inner development
and actions that these seeds are nurtured
we engender the changes
overcoming the inertia of past patterns is up to you
with each word spoken, with every action or in action
with every thought you strenthen your new self or old
your becoming or your being

your inspired dark self writes these words
based on your understanding

Your bones are what we replace
they are your structure and properties
your heart is your identity’
the blood that it pumps
becomes envenomed
by our touch
thus the heart changes as you will
but it is you that changes it
as you ask for our touch
and our venom

In here are clues to the ripping of the veil
on the side of the veil you reside in
you become our bones and our venom


“…the basic law, the inherent tendency of each individual, is toward that total transformation of himself from the limited entity that he believes himself to be, to that which he really is in essence, i.e. a transcosmic, extra-terrestrial and – ultimately – ultra-dimensional /absence/.”
— Kenneth Grant


Click on images to see full-sized:


Entering the Abyss (Abaddon) by GAR


Psychopomp #2 (Shimaelok) by GAR


Through Imagery Into Shadowed Places (March 2018)


“Our will operates in spite of our indulgence. For example, your will is already opening your gap, little by little.” “What gap are you talking about?” “There is a gap in us; like the soft spot on the head of a child which closes with age, this gap opens as one develops one’s will.”
― Carlos Castaneda


Discomfort yourself,
avoid the sunny places that you know
I offer no safe wonderland
nor is that my intent
I want to ping your shadowed selves
and awaken the seed of potential
that lives within you
if only momentarily
something that you can nurture
into a dark mirror
whose image will help you grow.
Click on images to see full-sized:


Awareness of the Moment by GAR


Movement in the Shadows by GAR


Shadowed Groves and Damaged Patterns (October 2016 Part 5)


OK, so the best laid plans etc… Months without an entry again and still I fall further behind. So I will continue to play catch up. Comments are appreciated. Also prints for sale. Contact the artist at

Click on images to see full-sized


Ringmaster of the Unearth Circus (redux)Ringmaster of the Unearth Circus (Redux) by G A Rosenberg


Spectral GroveSpectral Grove by G A Rosenberg


Eye of the ShadowEye of the Shadow by G A Rosenberg


Ritual Space (Redux)Ritual Space (Redux) by G A Rosenberg


The Damaged PatternThe Damaged Pattern by G A Rosenberg


To Ease the Passing of Time


“I do not write for a select minority, which means nothing to me, nor for that adulated platonic entity known as ‘The Masses’. Both abstractions, so dear to the demagogue, I disbelieve in. I write for myself and for my friends, and I write to ease the passing of time.”
— Jorge Luis Borges


To ease the passing of time I write and create art. Oh time will pass easily enough, perhaps too much so and there are so many moments where I have so little to show for it. I create to at least have my footprints in the sand. To show where I’ve been if only to see it all wash away. Thus I understand why graffiti artists tag seeking if not recognition acknowledgement of existence. Oh there are other reasons as well tho perhaps they are less honest.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Sometimes Random Patterns Take on LifeSometimes Random Patterns Take on Life by G A Rosenberg


Heartbreak Ends With TimeHeartbreak Ends With Time by G A Rosenberg




“If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery and isolation. Isolation is a gift… All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it… And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds… and it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is.”
~ Charles Bukowski


This year, for a number of reasons I have decided to work on my physical aspect. Over the last couple of rather taxing years, I had let myself become rather sedentary and ate a lot of my frustrations. I had started smoking again and was up to over a pack a day. So once January hit, I decided I would take action.
1) January – I quit smoking cold turkey.
2) February – Diet and more activity. I stopped eating by eight PM. I stopped eating cheese. I started drinking lots of tea both to suppress appetite and to clean the body. I walked 10,000 Steps a day. I lost about 13 lbs and achieved my goal weight for the month.
3) March – Continue Diet and increase exercise. I am up to 15 pushups twice a day. I have been riding my bike every day that the sun allows. I am up to 12,000 steps a day. While weight loss has slowed a bit I feel my body regaining its overall form.
These might seem like some what minimal goals. I purposefully chose goals that would not result in injury. I have, in the past, overcommitted and ended up unable to exercise at all and I wanted this to all be doable. It hasn’t just been a matter of extensive effort but that of committed every day constant effort and it is paying off. The next steps will be a yoga class and the gym at least 3 times a week. One step at a time
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Serpents ArenaSerpent’s Arena by G A Rosenberg


Cancer RisingCancer Rising by G A Rosenberg


A Night’s Dream


“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream”
.- Vincent Van Gogh


The Night sky brings dreams and hunting
We run the forest as wolves
bringing down our prey
and eating in the moonlight
We howl our victory
and make love until dawn’s arrival
— G A Rosenberg


Blessed Be, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Talisman for DreamingTalisman For Dreaming by G A Rosenberg


Wounded AbstractionWounded Abstraction by G A Rosenberg


Going Through the Motions


“Enlightenment cannot be according to any system. It has to resolve and clarify your own situation. The realization must satisfy and fulfill your heart, not the standards of some system. The liberation must be of you, you personally…The quest does not bring about improvement or perfection. It brings about a maturity, a humanity, and a wisdom.”
— A.H. Almaas.


We can follow the rules of any given spiritual school and be initiated at every level yet come out of it almost unchanged. I have met a few people where this was the case. Oh they had the necessary answers to satisfy the requirements that they derived either intellectually or intuitively yet after going through the motions, the energy released was not the energy that they personally needed to bring them to the next level. Castaneda’s Don Juan would say the path wasn’t one with heart for them. From my own experience I would say that they hadn’t found a way to plug in deeply enough. Anything if we are open and ready for it can bring a peak experience. If we are not ready tho any experience will be merely that no matter how much we may wish it were something else.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Night Wolf SpiritNight Wolf Spirit by G A Rosenberg

Awakening AuroraAwakening Aurora by G A Rosenberg