Finding the Love

“A warrior does not give up what he loves, he finds the love in what he does”
― Dan Millman


Finding the love in what you do is easier sometimes than it is at others. Obvious yes but still how often do we miss the obvious because it doesn’t fell like it is worth stating? I love making art. I love writing poetry. I love thinking about thing I have never thought of before or thinking of an old thing in a new way. I love walking in nature. I love meditating. I love reading. I love talking to really amazing people both online and off and learning from them. I love music. I love exploring the nature of the All and of love. It has brought more joy to me than I can say that I’ve been able to do so many of the things that I love this past year or two and I feel like I have been touched by a unique grace.
Then there are the necessities, the things we don’t necessarily love that we have to do. Like cleaning the bathroom or washing the dishes or laundry. You can add to the list dealing with loved ones when they’re cranky or having serious questions with people who don’t want to climb out of their box even to look into mine. Yet still with some effort I can get those done. While cleaning I can engage in a conversation with myself about myths or legends or the nature of love. I can listen to an audiobook or I can make a game of the cleaning. Just how clean can I make that toilet? I can write an ode to the leftover pasta sauce on the underside of the bowl I can think of the faces of all those I love or recite a theme song to a 60’s television show. I can find the joy or the love in what I do. Oh its not always easy. You know what else isn’t easy? Anything you fail to try to do.
Blessings, G




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Queen of the Fractal GladeQueen of the Fractal Glade by G A Rosenberg


SplatteredSplattered by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – July 6 2012

“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.”
― Richard Feynmann

I’m not sure but I when I first heard the Joseph Campbell quote, “follow your bliss” it sounded to me very much like this. Discipline and reverence don’t seem to be intrinsic qualities for me. I have always been intensely curious and I love to learn new things, yet structure for me seems mainly a challenge.  When I went to University, I found my roommate’s senior courses in pre-law much more interesting than my freshman mathematics courses so three grade A papers for him and $300 for me later, he graduated with the best marks he had gotten in his career while I got lackluster grades. Part of it was that the teacher wasn’t thrilled that i would arrive at the right answer in a way different than what she had shown in class.  Perhaps if I had attended more of the classes.

Even now  I find it a strain to discipline my thoughts and perhaps this shows in my writing. Life has always felt more weblike than linear to me with connections happening in the weirdest places kind of like a psycho-spiritual seven degrees of Kevin Beacon with concepts rather than people (seven degrees of Frances Bacon?) Still I have grown comfortable in my scatteredness and am not sure I would have it any other way.

Blessings, G

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Buddha on the Beach by G A Rosenberg


Twilight Ride in Big Sky Country