Spoken Reality, Broken Potentials


“What you see depends entirely upon the words you have to describe what you see. Nothing exists unless we say it.”
— Grant Morrison


Pure form, formless
silence the point within
existence has not yet been spoken
yet something moves
consciousness ripples in the void
awaiting to be born
Nothing exists
so anything is possible
Every time something is spoken
potential is lost
countless possibilities
blown out of the water.
In each word we choose a reality
consigning countless others
to the abyss.
but don’t let that stop you.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


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Into Her KingdomInto Her Kingdom by G A Rosenberg


ReactionReaction by G A Rosenberg


Being Present


“The Tao can never be known until it interprets the most trivial actions of everyday routine. It is a fatal mistake to discriminate between the spiritual importance of meditation and playing golf. To do so is to create an internal conflict. “Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.” He who knows the Tao knows it to be the source of all things soever.”
— Aleister Crowley, from his introduction to the Tao Te Ching


It is easy to feel spiritual and present and focused after a half hour of meditation. Is it as easy to feel that way in a business meeting? How about when taking out the garbage or doing the dishes? So much of our daily modern lives seems spent avoiding what we are doing in the present moment. Either we are planning the evening activities or thinking about the hot man or woman we just saw or our vacation or even how much our arm itches or how soon we need to hit the bathroom. Yet if we see each thing we do as an opportunity to be present, it can lead to all kinds of inner discovery. It can change walking the dog from an arduous chore to something unique and interesting. Paying bills can become sublime if that is what we are doing. It is as if the way we normally do these activities is monochrome and by our mere focus and presence we add colour. I am not suggesting we do this all day every day. I am not sure that this is possible. Yet focusing on being in the moment for at least one or two activities a day will be life changing and enhance our conscious awareness immeasurably.
Blessings, G


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Verigated EscapeVariegated Escape by G A Rosenberg


Echoes of 15Echoes of 15 by G A Rosenberg


Conscious Management


“It was a Friday afternoon. Richard had noticed that events were cowards: they didn’t occur singly, but instead they would run in packs and leap out at him all at once.”
— Neil Gaiman


Life erupting at breakneck speeds. Sometimes it seems that we go from event to event crisis to crisis putting out one fire only to find out that two more have taken their place. We definitely live in a world faster than the one I remember growing up. I don’t know that that’s a bad thing. We are all learning new time and stress management skills all the time yet sometimes I wish things would slow down and just stop. I used to say routinely that I would like to know what a routine day was like because each one feels widely different than the last.
Yet i realize that it is not necessarily life that has to slow down but me. I have to take the time to enjoy each moment. I need to meditate for awhile each day and not do anything. Yes, there are always things that are calling for my attention and time yet it is not always necessary to heed the call. I am not saying that there is a need for strict rules. I tend to rebel against those anyway. More that I need a way to give body, soul, family, friends and work enough attention each according to need. In other words I have to make conscious decisions. The unconscious ones tend not to work anyway.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Floating InwardFloating Inward by G A Rosenberg


BuneBune (#26 in Goetia Series) by G A Rosenberg

EmergeEmerge by G A Rosenberg

Representing Our Species


“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”
― Terence McKenna


When is the last time you explored your world? By that I mean when is the last time you woke up and looked at your every day existence as a stranger, someone who had never seen it before and questioned what you saw and experienced? Does it all make sense? What wonders did you see that you might have missed experiencing it in the same old way? What new insights did the stranger in your life reveal to you and what were you able to do with it? We live so much of our lives accepting that what we experience is normal and forgetting that there is no such thing. How good a representative of our species are we? Isn’t that a great question to ask ourselves perhaps each day?
Blessings, G


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Seeing Into A Dark WorldSeeing Into A Dark World by G A Rosenberg


Rough PassageRough Passage by G A Rosenberg

Representing Our Species


“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”
― Terence McKenna


When is the last time you explored your world? By that I mean when is the last time you woke up and looked at your every day existence as a stranger, someone who had never seen it before and questioned what you saw and experienced? Does it all make sense? What wonders did you see that you might have missed experiencing it in the same old way? What new insights did the stranger in your life reveal to you and what were you able to do with it? We live so much of our lives accepting that what we experience is normal and forgetting that there is no such thing. How good a representative of our species are we? Isn’t that a great question to ask ourselves perhaps each day?
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Seeing Into A Dark WorldSeeing Into A Dark World by G A Rosenberg


Rough PassageRough Passage by G A Rosenberg

The People We Don’t See


“Nobody looks like what they really are on the inside. You don’t. I don’t. People are much more complicated than that. It’s true of everybody.”
― Neil Gaiman


I used to believe that people could be divided into those who were asleep and those who were awake. I used to feel, beneath the surface perhaps but still there like I was better than the majority of humanity in their slumber concerned about what seems to be inane things. At some point and I don’t even recall that this point had a defining moment it dawned on me that awareness is not a binary on/off switch but something akin to a dimmer switch. Everyone who I have ever met is somewhere on this continuum. I don’t know that I have ever met anyone either completely 100% asleep or anyone who was 100% awake. I doubt I ever will. In people who seemed the deadest and dimmest to me, I have seen glimmers of perception and kindness that astonished me. In those whom I have found the most ‘enlightened’ I have seen pride, arrogance and self-deception. I suspect that a fully turned on consciousness and a physical body are basically incompatible much like an adult trying to fit into a uniform or costume that they wore as children.
I have also found that while it may seem relatively easy to discern the point someone has reached on their path, appearances can be and often are deceiving. I have seen people who espouse ideas that seem relatively naive in a political sense or in terms of their interests yet they hold this deep compassion and understanding of others that I have not always seen in those who aspire to be spiritual teachers. This could of course be a fault of my own perception yet it has taught me to be weary of snap judgements. This is another example perhaps of seeing others not as they are but as I am.
Blessings, G


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Purple and Teal WheelPurple and Teal Wheel by G A Rosenberg


Atomic Blue2Atomic Blue by G A Rosenberg

Consciousness Stream Towards Deeper Waters


“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
― Alan Wilson Watts


Investing myself and my time…Conquering the moment or perhaps just living it… filling my days with art and rhyme.. dogs and cleaning and family too… grand adventure in the mundane…tho is anything mundane when its done magically with full will and intent? This next year I will live my time… and time my living… all traveling towards a further deeper consciousness.. because in the end isn’t that what it’s all about?
Blessings, G


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King of the Night ForestKing of the Night Forest by G A Rosenberg


KaleidoscopeKaleidoscope by G A Rosenberg

Rabbit Hole Musing and Purpose

Rabbit Hole Musing

From October 2010:

Joseph Campbell referred to it as the Hero’s Journey. The major arcana of the tarot shows similar cycle. Every time we step through a doorway or start something new, we perform a version of it. Sometimes I feel that most of my life is spent going from rabbit hole to rabbit hole or at crossroads deciding which way to go. It’s one of the reasons why I feel a kinship to crossroad deities such as Thoth in Egyptian mythology, Hermes in the Greek, Eshu and Elegua in various Orisha cosmologies or Ganesh in the Hindu among many others.. They tend to be the tricksters, the ones who teach you life’s lessons by exposing you to possibilities.
There is a history of musicians and crossroad deities especially blues musicians tho they usually see him as being old nick

I have to be careful tho. Every time I start writing about the rabbit hole I hear a whisper “c’mere kid…take the ride” which I guess is nominally better than “Oh my stars and whiskers, I’m late”


Present Day:
The rabbit Holes never stop appearing do they? At least not as long as we’re open to them. I think I’ve figured at least part of it. When looked at in a certain way, each person becomes a rabbit hole. When approached with empathy and a true desire to understand, everyone we meet can take us to a new reality or at least a new take on it. Some realities can be more dangerous to us than others. I’ve met people before and alarms have gone off in my head screaming “HERE THERE BE DRAGONS”. Others I’ve met who have shown me such beauty that I’ve wept to find that I must leave but reconciled that if careful I could take some of that beauty back with me. Neither are the two above mutually exclusive. Journeys never end and each circumstance or person who’s land we visit teaches me about my own.
Blessings G

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Purpose by G A Rosenberg

Doggerel and Water Meetings

Learning, Burning Churning, Churning Butter, Churning knowledge losing the curds in the whey you move so fine
the line is drawn, dawn, rising son with not a cloud in sight

Thinking synoptically, synoptical thoughts
making connections, networking, net working?
no then out in the sound

meditate, contemplate, see what rises to the surface
the cream? back to churning learning
stirring up consciousness”

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Beach Meeting by G A Rosenberg