A Man of Pure Restrictive Conviction


“Don’t be intimidated by other people’s opinions. Only mediocrity is sure of itself, so take risks and do what you really want to do.”
— Paulo Coelho


Oh so confident in your views
reality lies down at your feet
yet you beg before it
convinced you know of its treat
and still in giant stride
you feel no remorse
at tearing down all others
because you are right of course
yet then the silence spins around
your tower crashes to the ground
in your facade there is a crack
you’ve found some knowledge that you lack
and so you rebuild your crumpled frame
and in your course become convinced
that you hold the key once more
and on such scant evidence!
Would you hold the secret key
and jump away from pure conviction
then know truth’s inconsistency
and certainty’s restriction.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


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Finding the Colours to Build a DreamFinding the Colours to Build a Dream by G A Rosenberg


Mindscape 23Dreamscape 23 by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – February 8 2012

“‎”Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche

I believe I’ve mentioned before how attractive I find people with conviction to be. People who believe that they know how the universe works and move along that path, never swaying. Lately I’ve begun to realize that there was an attraction but also a bit of fear and anxiety mixed in. Of late I have watched repeatedly people of conviction challenged by questions, not even opposing viewpoints but questions and instead of taking time to think of an answer or even discus the matter, this group of people dedicated to living in the heart and acting from love went into a feeding frenzy mode that would do any group of sharks proud. They tear into their victims, with derision, mockery and accusations of anything from possession to downright evil intent. Then they would congratulate each other on how non-judgemental and loving they were. It seemed that they did not show judgement on the other person. They discerned them. After all, everyone knows that judgement is a no-no. Apparently discernment is ok. Ah, a rose by any other name…
Without conviction, without absolute certainty in one’s own beliefs, can heresy be possible? How can you reconcile it with Ken Wilber’s belief that “Everyone is right”? Also how can one grow and change if alternative views get shut down? I believe in examining my beliefs as much as possible, to examine what i know now for knowledge from everything I can tell tends to be fluid and absolute truth at least on this level of reality a mathematical limit that one can approach ever closer without ever grocking it completely. Tho I also realize that I too have had and still have some sacred cows and when I feel them challenged I too can be somewhat irrational. Strange tho, I do realize during my more lucid moments that they are my cherished beliefs and like everything else in the book inside my head, may be wrong.

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Chamber by G A Rosenberg

Lime Star by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 19 2012

“The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental.”
–Robert Anton Wilson

I envy the ones who know. I find that level of conviction amazing and perhaps on some level intimidating as all get out. Faith can and does move mountains. It adds charisma and of course far too often it keeps one in a box. It may be a box with room for expansion but still the borders can be felt. “Reality ends here. Anything beyond this line will be considered False. If you start believing what’s false or even considering it anything CAN and WILL happen. Here there be DRAGONS”
Yet without people refusing to believe in the borders of the box, who question their certainty, what new can ever be discovered? In an infinite universe, more always remains. So perhaps, even if conviction can not be counted among my strengths, at this point, I’ll still do ok. Namaste, G

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DNA Playground by G A Rosenberg