Sinking and Rising


“The truth is always an abyss. One must — as in a swimming pool — dare to dive from the quivering springboard of trivial everyday experience and sink into the depths, in order to later rise again — laughing and fighting for breath — to the now doubly illuminated surface of things.”
— Franz Kafka


sinking deep and fast
lower in my morass than I’ve been
the surface is too much to bear
and I’ve been trying for far too long.
So I sink
into sorrow, into despair
all the things I’ve scoffed at
safe in books and memories
yet now in my swimming life
I’ve been tossed an anchor
and so go lower
yet as I sink, I shed mass
clothes, dreams, illusions
and reach a point of balance
a brighter clarity than
heretofore offered
I rise fast
buffeted by new understanding.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Peaceful SpacePeaceful Space by G A Rosenberg


The Egg containedThe Egg Contained by G A Rosenberg


In Winter, Summer


“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”
― Albert Camus


Funny how hope and despair go together so well. Tthe times when I was most fullest in the dark, when storm clouds gathered around my head almost visibly and I couldn’t see the way out, would not have felt nearly as bad if I couldn’t realize the absence of any sun or happiness. Perhaps just as we have our shadow selves, our lives do too and these dark nights are the shadow of our lives. Perhaps like Camus suggests they are part of the regular cycles which makes much sense when you think about it. During those happy moments when everything feels right and the universe clicks, there is that in us which realizes that the dark times are far as possible. We all integrate winter and summer most times living in an integrated Spring or Autumn time…
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Returning From a DreamReturning From a Dream by G A Rosenberg


Scarlet PriestessScarlet Priestess by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – April 30 2012

““When we hold each other, in the darkness, it doesn’t make the darkness go away. The bad things are still out there. The nightmares still walking. When we hold each other we feel not safe, but better. “It’s all right” we whisper, “I’m here, I love you.” and we lie: “I’ll never leave you.” For just a moment or two the darkness doesn’t seem so bad.”
― Neil Gaiman

OK. The above seems like an odd quote for the evening. Yet it seems somewhat apt. The rain is falling outside which will mean the dogs’ walks will be brief as neither share my affinity for walking in storms. On a dark rainy night, I think of times that friends have called me up or these days far more often messaged me needing to talk to be if not held physically, held cybernetically and told that “Yes, things would be OK, were OK as a matter of fact and that there was no knot that couldn’t be worked through. Easy enough to say and being optimistic by nature easy enough to believe. What an incredible gift to be able to be there for someone when I’m needed! I know far too well what its like to feel that taste of ashes in my mouth and that there were no answers and just knowing that another person was there helped.
I disagree with Mr. Gaiman’s quote in one way tho. I don’t believe that if we tell someone “I’ll never leave you” that its necessarily a lie. There have been many nights in the eternal now and many of them are still going on. The much-needed wisdom of friends and of strangers has stayed with me and I can feel the echo of their words in my mind therefore they have never left. If I have been of any use to anyone in that state, perhaps I am with them still.

This past week I have been working on being appreciative and grateful for the gifts that I feel every day. I have found this to be amazingly powerful and it’s additive. I keep finding more and more things to be grateful for. Perhaps one of the most important would be how grateful I’ve been to survive the rough times and to on occasion made a difference to others going through them.

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Touching by G A Rosenberg

Silver Spiral by G A Rosenberg