There Be Dragons


“People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons. From within.”
— Ursula K. Le Guin


“I deny my anger. It is a negative emotion and I can’t have those. Oh these? The doctor told me to take these for my stomach. The pain gets bad sometimes. Anyway, as I was saying I am way too advanced to let myself give into hate or anger or jealousy. It lowers my vibration when I give into negativity like that. You should know. Look at what happens when you get pissed off. Good thing I’ve gotten over all that. It really eases my mind. Excuse me, I need to go lie down. I get these cluster headaches sometimes and rest in a dark room is about the only thing that helps.”


Dragons come in many forms


Blessings, G


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57-OseOse (#57 in Goetia Series) by G A Rosenberg


An In-Between PlaceAn In-Between Place by G A Rosenberg


There Be Dragons!

“People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons. From within.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin


I tend to be cautious about denial. It doesn’t matter whether it is denial of someone’s insight into myself or denial of an aspect of reality that I don’t necessarily endorse. After all to avow that something does not exist takes a certain amount of arrogance. Have you truly experienced so much of reality that you can say that something conclusively does not exist? The very fact that we can conceive a concept and hold it in our minds gives it a form of de facto existence if only in the realm of ideas. From there to physically experiencing it is a short hop. Let’s bring it down to the personal. Do I truly know myself so well that I can state categorically that there is some quality perceived by others that I contain not a whit of? It seems unlikely at best and I’ve been working at knowing and understanding myself for quite awhile. The mapmaker is still staying pretty busy on that one. Therefore while I may find some things highly unlikely I will rarely if ever be willing to say that something does not exist, whether within or without.
Blessings, G


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Time AskewTime Askew by G A Rosenberg


Crystalized MandalaCrystalized by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 15 2011

“The man who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself”

       –Friedrich Nietsche

Tonight I saw a documentary about a band from the Congo called Staff Benda Bilili which both inspired me and gave me some much needed perspective. Tomorrow I go to protest and to occupy because of among other things – the gross economic disparity that has become part of present day society and the level of corporate and privilege greed that has reached epic proportions. I participate, hoping that the share number of people standing up to be counted will provide a reality cheque and possibly help wake people up to the need for change. Still watching this video about people who sleep and live on cardboard in the streets who daily don’t know if they will eat or not does wake me up to what relative poverty may be as opposed to actual poverty. I believe that there are the resources on this planet to end hunger and need on that level. Whether or not we will all wake up enough consciously to realize that very little difference exists between one other being starving to death and a beloved member of our family doing the same. I pray for universal empathy  — G A Rosenberg

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Love Growing Between Dragon and Gargoyle by G A Rosenberg

Expansion by G A Rosenberg