Tarot Post – Four of Wands

Four of Wands (Completion / Structure)

Four of WandsFour of Wands (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Coming together
Enjoying harmony now
We create our space

We’ve found our way here
United in calm centre
eternal rapture

intense attraction
holds our joint attention here
happiness ensues



Every moment has prepared us for this one
this shining instance
our spirits glow
Our beings know
the wildness that has come before
and the chaos that may spiral hereafter
yet for now we contain perfection
May we take this moment
and carry it forward
in freedom and joy



Wands deal with force, creative, spiritual, and vital. Fours express a stability of the energy, one might even say a containment.  Fire contained can be used to heat and cook and forge but it is not a hundred percent natural. Fire longs to expand freely and so it is in the four of wands. Here is a moment where that energy and force is brought into usefulness. I often think of the four wands in configuration as resembling a marriage canopy and there is something apt about the analogy. So much comes together in the union of two people before their community. It is a spiritual force who’s intensity cannot be maintained yet for the moment is there.


Astrological correspondance – Venus in Aries – Aries is not the most natural place for Venus. Aries tends to be very individualistic while Venus is a very sensual, love-oriented energy. When Venus is in Aries, there is a feeling of immense energy combined in a beautiful form, There is an attraction towards independence and self-expression, an attempt if you will to contain that which can only briefly be contained.
I Ching Correspondence – 63) Chi Chi – “After Completion “

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The trigram for Water is over the trigram for Fire. Everything is in its rightful place. Everything broken has been mended. The lovers are united and eveyone lives happily ever after. The question is where do you go from there? Such perfection is by its very nature unstable. From this point things either break apart or go into standstill and stagnation.

When the Four of Wands occurs in a reading, it is a time of joy and boundless energy. It is a time of freedom where things are stable and we can go after anything that we wish. The question that arises is what do we do with this energy? Where do we go from here?

When the Four of Wands shows up reversed in a reading, it is still a time of happiness but the happiness and energy may not be that apparent. It may also indicate that the success and containment of the Four of Wands upright may be applied in a very untypical and unorthodox way.







Quote of the Day – July 19 2012

“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.”
–Mahatma Gandhi


Coming together
Enjoying harmony now
We create our space


We’ve found our way here
United in calm centre
eternity bubble


intense attraction
holds our joint attention here
happiness ensues


OK, when not sure how to say what I mean, writing in haiku helps loosen the stuck brain if nothing else and entertains the monkey mind. In this case I completed another tarot card and as has been happening more and more often the force of the card touched my life today. Harmony and ground work for the future kept coming up in my interactions with my family and friends and yet internally while drawn towards harmony my thoughts have felt disquieted. But then as far as cards go the four of wands and I have rarely been that close. That may sound a bit odd that I have different types of relationships with different cards and yet other readers and folks who work with the cards have told me its also true for them.

Perhaps this feeling of disquiet means that I need to get to know this force better. Perhaps some team building exercises might help or more involvement with group activities. I tend to live in my own head quite a bit so perhaps it may be time to do more with others.


On a different subject tho connections can be drawn, I leave those who read this with a question that has been on my mind quite a bit in the past few days. Who do you speak for?
Blessings, G


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Cycle-delic by G A Rosenberg

Four of Wands by G A Rosenberg