Escaping Our Internal Prison


“I am constantly trying to communicate something incommunicable, to explain something inexplicable, to tell about something I only feel in my bones and which can only be experienced in those bones.”
— Franz Kafka


Our truest selves and emotions cannot be communicated, they can only be experienced. Oh we can project like nobody’s business. We see someone in a situation similar to ones that we have been in and they seem to be expressing close to the same emotions and for a second we flash back. we feel good that we have become so empathic yet true empathy is rare. In reality we are locked inside our own heads pretending yet not to pretend can often be worse. Better though is if we can turn off the head show and really for just one moment perceive not only another person’s perceptions but another person’s heart. Oh it happens. At times if we’re some particular combination of lucky and open to it, something can jolt us enough out of ourselves that for an instance we can feel the heart of the world. All too soon tho we are locked back in our heads again and it will take years to process what we’ve experienced. When this happens we realize that having escaped once from our mental prison, we’ll do everything we can to escape it again.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Plasma FieldPlasma Field by G A Rosenberg


Shadowed RealmShadowed Realm by G A Rosenberg