Working the Imagination


“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
― Albert Einstein


If our imaginations are coming attractions for our lives then why do so many of us imagine such horrible things? I do believe in the Law of Attraction to the extent that I believe that what we think does affect our future. I mean it affects our present and our past so it would only follow. Where I believe so many people become frustrated with the idea (all the normal objections about whether starving children or victims of disasters have brought it on themselves) is that it is one universal law of many and there are others such as the Law of Karma that play a role as well. Still it makes a great case for optimism. Pessimism may bring you the odd pleasant surprise yet in the long run I’d rather enjoy what’s going on around me 90% of the time than be happy that things haven’t hit their worst 10%.
Blessings, G


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Through Inspiration to ClarityThrough Inspiration to Clarity by G A Rosenberg


Inner Space 2Inner Space 2 by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 15 2012

“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”
― Henry David Thoreau


So often we do the opposite. We repeat our negative thought patterns, our self-talk of defeats and might have beens and let those dig ruts into our psyches.. We perform this spiritual alchemy daily. With mindfulness, we can do magic, programming our realities into something much better than they are (I am not saying something perfect nor am I whole heartedly endorsing the Secret, It’s not that I don’t believe that the Law of Attraction works. I do. I believe that it is one of several laws that influence our being. Another is the law of karma. Which explains why a starving child in Africa may have difficulty attracting a hamburger dinner tho I do believe that positive self-talk can be reality changing).
As we think, we become. So we may as well work to see the positive accomplishments we do everyday and remind ourselves of those rather than ways we may not have made our goals. Try it for a week and see. Before going to sleep each night, pick one thing from your day that you accomplished or one moment of beauty that you appreciated and focus on that. i believe if we do that sincerely every night, it can be life changing.
Blessings, G



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Tarot Trump IX – The Hermit by G A Rosenberg


Infinitudes by G A Rosenberg