New Month’s Intentions

“I could not stop talking because now I had started my story, it wanted to be finished. We cannot choose where to start and stop. Our stories are the tellers of us. ”
― Chris Cleave


A new month and a new chapter begins. Like all beginning points it is somewhat arbitrary but the calendar is as good a demarcation as any. May this new month bring a new time of accomplishment, of appreciation for the things we have and an acceptance and transcendence of those things that trouble us. May we appreciate the gifts of the moment and may it buoy us through. I intend that in this month I will find my way through the next several sections of the tarot book and learn a few new techniques to add to my art repertoire. I will care for my partner, my son and the pets and my friends. I will continue to learn new things and add to my practice those that will benefit. I set these intentions forth and may in the long run that be the story that tells me.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Multi-Hued SunGenerator by G A Rosenberg


A Glance OutsideA Glance Outside by G A Rosenberg