Tarot Post – Page of Wands


Page of Wands  (Earth of Fire)


Page of Wands (N)Page of Wands (Reimagined) by G A Rosenberg


“Let yourself be you
Love as an equal always”
echoes the youth’s laughter


The Magic of one day
as I dream myself anew
each future grander than before
and all of them befitting
I’ll be as unstoppable
as my dreams are now
They’ll all come to see
the realization
of my talent
Even now
I am unleashed
bringing news of the future
“There’s going to be one
and it WILL BE bright”
Express with me
what you desire
in your creativity
and your life
The breaks are off
and we’ll burn bright.
Let’s Go!
— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Wands deal with force-creative, spiritual, and vital and are associated with the element of Fire. Pages (or Princesses as they are called in many decks) represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involve. When we ground fire, we bring all the energy of the spirit into the physical. The Page of Wands burns brightly with an amazing enthusiasm that quickly becomes infectious. He or She is full of ideas of where they want to be and what they want to be doing and they are constantly on the move. They have very little in the way of filters and will say anything especially if it will get a rise out of their audience but this is done with total guilelessness. The Page of Wands due to their charm is able to pull off saying and doing almost anything and their behaviour is unique to themselves.


I Ching Correspondence – 27) Yi-Nourishing –

___ ___
___ ___
___ ___
___ ___


The trigram for Thunder is under that of the Mountain. There is a constant abundance of nurturing energy that constantly comes to the surface. It is tempting to give way to a form of gluttony and to try to take it all in at once (an impossibility but one with possibly damaging consequences but it is better to absorb it as needing enjoying having all of one’s needs met.
The hexagram also talks about the importance of what and who we nurture with our energy. Do we save it all for ourselves, do we try to help all or do we throw our support towards people and organizations that can help more than we can on a person by person level? There is a sense of beginnings and youth in this hexagram and perhaps that is why it resembles in many ways an open mouth as we nurture best quite often with our words and ideas.


When the Page of Wands shows up in a reading, it may mean that a younger person with lots of energy and a winning personality has entered our life It may also represent a time in our lives when we feel adventurous and are ready to try anything and everything especially if it is new. It is a protected time and one of new beginnings and new found freedom so we should go for it with confidence. The Page of Wands may also refer to some good news that has come our way.


When the Page of Wands turns up reversed, it may mean that our steps towards exploring new possibilities have faltered a bit as we encounter some obstacles. It may represent a time of indecision and lack of confidence in ourselves. Perhaps the situation has proven to be a bit more complex than we led ourselves to believe and we need to cut back a bit and take simpler baby steps on our new route. It is important tho that we continue to keep moving forward however to avoid giving up on ourselves and our direction totally.
The Page of Wands reversed may also represent someone in our environment who is raging because they haven’t gotten his or her own way. This person may have much less depth than we thought and may be seeking to blame others for their difficulties as they find it impossible to believe that they could be at fault.

Tarot Card of the Day – February 19 2010

Page (Princess of Wands)

In a dream, I met a youth who appeared to be about sixteen. Tall and sensual, i was never certain whether the youth was male and female. When I asked for a name I was told

“You may call me Kiln”

Kiln had beautiful cinnamon coloured hair and eyes that were the same perhaps redder. When beckoned, I followed as if I was a magnet being pulled towards its mate, gazing at the seductive sight before my eyes.

We walked to a forest with new growth spreading out all around us. As I looked in the distance a fire was consuming the older paths of the woods as quickly as the new replaced it. The forest was effectively recreating itself phoenix-like from its own ashes. I looked again at Kiln and I saw something I had missed before. Despite appearances, this being was eternal, ever-young ever-passionate, always burning and recreating the universe with every moment of their existence. Without asking or being told, I knew this was done out of love, both the creation and the destruction.

By the time we reached the centre of the woods, I knew that my heart and my very being was lost to Kiln. I yearned to be embraced, consumed and recreated. The object of my desire looked into my eyes and I fell, dissolved in ecstasy.
When I awoke, I had a wand in my hand. The wand was red bronze and wood with two golden dragons spiralling along its length. Atop the wand was a triangular ruby. Even now, when I gaze into this crystal that moment of union comes back to me and I transcend…

Page of Wands from The Quantum Tarot