Tarot Post – The Moon


XVIII-The Moon (♓︎)


The Moon (F)The Moon by G A Rosenberg


Illusions seem real
reality a dark dream
when the moonlight wanes


I heard her calling me last night
Her voice the whisper of
the waning moon
casting shadows with her secrets
raising doubts from seeds left buried
all so long ago
She lured me with her promises
Secret knowledge offered
Illusions granted
Calling me through castle doors
Strange creatures howling point the way
I beguiled go
She showed me things that couldn’t be
Demented Nightmare’s gift
monstrous awakening
She took from me my secret fear
replacing shadows in its stead
I trembling go
and yet to reach the morn
through Hecate’s night reborn
–G A Rosenberg


At night, by the light of the Moon (particularly when its waning) we can see a lot less of our external surroundings than we can by daylight. Things appear shadowed and hazy and any light may seem blinding. Our imaginations have full play and we try to fill in the darkened spaces with a combination of intuition and imagination. What we see and how we interpret it can tell us a lot about ourselves if we are open to it. The Moon force in this way illuminates our interior selves.
The Moon trump shows us our fears and dark desires. It can give us deep understandings of our hidden longings or it can send us reeling into insanity, beset by fears and emotional demons that we have repressed and refused to face. When we find ourselves least able to cope with this psychic and emotional shit storm, the best that we can do is endure, knowing that night inevitably gives way to day.
When talking about the greater cycle of the Fool’s Journey or the Great Work, the Moon comes at a time when we have bravely made it through most of our shadow work and what’s left is some of the really dark repressed stuff that we were not yet ready to face. Under the influence of the Moon it becomes revealed and with courage, will and endurance we will survive.


Astrological Correspondent – Pisces(♓︎)-Pisces is an inward dwelling intuitive energy. It lives in its dreams and then brings them to the surface.Like an iceberg, three quarters of what Pisces feels is hidden and it prefers it that way. Pisces is sensitive and compassionate and feels things deeply both for itself and others. This can sometimes lead to self-pity or an over sympathetic approach.
Pisces would rather face happy dreams than unhappy reality. When it sees external life falling short of its dreams it tends to withdraw or may indulge in self-destructive behaviour. It looks for direction from other more self-directed energies. The Piscean energy can all too easily lose its identity as it takes on the characteristics of those it admires or who can get them through the storm seas. It is self-sacrificing in the extreme and this can lead to loss of self as well. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and is mutable in its ways.


Runic Correspondent-Othala(‘property’)othalaOthala means property in the sense that it is an ancestral land or sacred space. A sacred space is one in which we can be still and receive messages either from our ancestors or from our unconscious mind. It is a coming into our birthright in a spiritual sense and bringing what we learn to others and using it for the good of all. Another rune that is connected to The Moon trump is Algiz.


Path on the Tree of Life – Path 29-Qoph – Qoph translates as the back of the head. If the head in general is seen as the font of consciousness than the back of the head would represent that hidden dark side of our conscious awareness. This path is referred to as the Physical intelligence of Corporeal Intelligence because it concerns to the automatic and unconscious influences on the physical both in the sense of autonomic bodily functions and our psychosexual subconscious aspects. It connects the sephiroth of Netzach (“Victory”) with Malkuth(“Kingdom”) and shows the influence of Venusian Desire upon our physical form.


When the Moon shows up in a reading it may indicate that the querent is living in their imaginations quite a bit. This can be very positive if they are finding a way to express their imagination but can also have the negative connotation of jumping at shadows. The card may mean that the querent is beset by fears and imagining the worst in everything and everyone. Everything that once seemed bright may seem dark now. This is what many refer to as the dark night of the soul. When one is going through this, the best advice may be to just endure it until its over. There is value in seeing what one’s fears are and daylight will come eventually. Sometimes one has to feel the feelings until they stop and then move forward.
The Moon may also be telling the querent that they need to trust their intuition even if they don’t feel that they can see things clearly. They need to accept what their perceptions are and move beyond them, as difficult as that may sound. When one has lost their way in the woods, it is not what they imagine that matters but what signposts they can find that will lead them out.
The card may also mean that the querent is dealing with emotional issues that they have been repressing.


The inversed Moon may mean that the querent is recovering from a period of emotional stress and delusion. Things may be seeming a bit brighter and they may be seeing things more as they are and less how they fear them to be. It may mean that they are struggling against integrating recent lessons about themselves into their life and regressing a bit. The Reversed Moon may indicate that the querent is caught up in a frenzy of day to day activity to avoid taking a good look at emotions and thoughts that they are repressing. The card may also mean that someone has their psychic channels activated but due to their own lack of clarity is unable to distinguish between what’s real and what’s illusion.

Tarot Post – King of Cups


King of Cups (Fire of Water)


KIng of Cups (N)King of Cups (Reimagined by G A Rosenberg)


Father of Wisdom
let me drink from your deep cup
and so, gain insight

The Cup King’s Lament

Another person helped.
They all speak to me
tell me their secrets
who they are
in their secret  hearts
They ask me ‘how?’
They ask me ‘why?’
and they ask me
‘what should I do?’
Most often when they talk
they tell me what they need to hear
I repeat it to them
and they leave
calling me wise
calling me understanding
calling me knowing
yet where are the words
I tell myself?
I listen and I understand
but I can’t act
tho the need for action compels me.
I consider and I feel
sometimes I even know
or understand
but what are the words
that will move me?
— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.Kings are the leaders, the shakers, the initiatory force or person that get things moving. The King of Cups is thus active in receptivity. He listens with patience and tolerance and is known for his wise council. He moves with grace and lives up to the Bruce Lee adage “Be Like Water”. He flows this way and that and finds many things he enjoys but few either deep or lasting. He is calm, honest and understanding and often is a healer or therapist. He also tends to be very self-contained. So contained in fact that tho he may feel the need to take action, he often finds it difficult to do so preferring his internal life. He may dream of a life of action but lives it vicariously through the help he gives to others.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Aquarius – 20° Pisces Elemental: Fire of Water – This combination of Aquarian and Piscean traits tends to be romantic and visionary tho may find things of a practical nature to be more of a challenge. They would have amazing insight tho be rather difficult to move when they do take a stance. There may be a tendency towards escapism with this combination as well, either in chemicals or alcohol or in the drugs of romance and sex. Because there is an aspect of their nature that is both attracting and attracted, they may find themselves often in romantic understandings. Still they have an intuitive knack for finding their way through difficult conversations with others.


I Ching Correspondence – 54) Kwei Mei – The Marrying Maiden

___ ___
___ ___
___ ___


The trigram for Thunder is over that of the Lake . The Lake is still, open to the stirrings of the Wind and the Thunder and yet mindful of how it is influenced by them. There is a need to balance the external force and fury with internal calm and forbearance and be fluid enough to bear whatever may be encountered while having his essential self unmoved by it. There is an intuitive grasp of relationships both internal and external and a realization how they may be affected by external forces.


When the King of Cups turns up in a reading, it may be speaking of someone who is looking to you for advice and objective council. It may also refer to someone who can advise you and who may be able to influence your situation for the better. The King of Cups may also refer to a time when you find yourself frustrated because you desire to take action but either cannot decide what action to take (especially in a romantic situation) or cannot bring yourself to do so. The card may also refer to a time when things are very romantically fluid for you.


The King of Cups reversed in a reading may be referring to someone in your environment who is unreliable and untrustworthy or very manipulative. While they may be quite charming they may also be quite moody. The card may also be speaking to someone who is being unfaithful or a time when we may have been unfaithful in our relationships. The reversed King of Cups may also involve a time in our lives when we or someone close to us are letting our emotions control rather than having any kind of equanimity.


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Tarot Card of the Day- January 20 2010

XVIII -The Moon

I heard her calling me last night
Her voice the whisper of
the waning moon
casting shadows with her secrets
raising doubts from seeds left buried
all so long ago

She lured me with her promises
Secret knowledge offered
Illusions granted
Calling me through castle doors
Strange creatures howling point the way
I beguiled go

She showed me things that couldn’t be
Demented Nightmare’s gift
monstrous awakening
She took from me my secret fear
replacing shadows in its stead
I trembling go

and yet to reach the morn
through Hecate’s night reborn
–G A Rosenberg

XVIII The Moon by GA Rosenberg
Path on
the tree of life:
between Netzach
and Malkuth
Hebrew Letter: Kaph


which means back of the head
Astrological: Pisces

“Pisces is the last of the signs;
it represents the last stage of winter.
It might be called the Gateway of Resurrection”