Staring into the Flames

We huddle together in small groups seeking protection from the storm.
We isolate pushing away other selves
That don’t fit the group’s criteria
And thus hasten the storm.
In striving so hard to find
A group they can belong to
We lose sight
That we belong to the all.
The all of humanity.
The all of the earth.
The all of creation.

Alice Never Checked Out her Options

instrumental instrument
letting the notes flow thru
with as little distortion as possible
becoming the tune
the song the sound
pure tone
seeking the highest vibration
and sending it outwards
so others can feel it too
what symphonies may play
ascension melodies
lines to inspire
igniting the fire
the flame grows brighter
my spirit lighter
heading for the home
unseen for long but heartfelt

©2011 G A Rosenberg

Each (K)night’s Reflection by G A Rosenberg

I kneel here
holding vigil
as the changes occur around me
I search for strength within, without
and to find my way
through the maelstrom
I know I will
never see things
as I see them now
Tomorrow I see through new eyes,
that hoary cliche and yet so true,
a new world’s journey begun
What will become of the man
who kneels here
and what will continue onwards?
Who would be this dreamer
searching for his way
as he dreams in the new world?

Thoughts on a Sea Otter Sunset

I have a friend on YouTube, seaottersoup who does these amazing videos. This short piece was inspired by a time-lapse video of clouds at sunset….

Fractal clouds glowing
rainbow colours
set on fire by spirit sun

forms morphing
elemental kaleidoscope
the shapes i see
subject of my lens perception
showing me the symbols I need
to carry on…

— G A Rosenberg

Johnny Wisdomseed by G A Rosenberg

Long have I wandered
with this sack of seeds
gathered over lifetimes
and longer still shall I continue
searching for fertile ground
in which to plant
Occasionally I stop to
entertain a questioning mind
or overturn a cherished notion
that has run its course
I joke, I challenge, I plant a seed
staying just long enough
to see it take route

Other times I cast seeds to the wind,
A poem left in a bar
A picture painted in chalk
on a sidewalk
A story written in spiderwebs
or interwebs
With each of these
I send a prayer
that they will land
and spread and grow
possibly providing sustenance for many

Not every seed will thrive
nor every thought take hold
neither life nor wisdom provide that certainty
nor every seed viable

Still I travel
with song and with seed
One day I too shall be done
When that day comes
scatter me on the wind
Another idea
floating on the breeze