Tarot Haikus – IV of Pentacles

So, I was working on an essay for the Tarot group at SR on the elements. Working hard which translated to watching YouTube videos, playing games on facebook and reading up on various news stories one of which was the total eclipse. I thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be cool to come up with an eclipse haiku?” My idea of cool tends to be somewhat askew from most people’s. So I did. I have yet to write the article yet parts of it are percolating. While walking the dog I was debating in my mind which Beatle corresponded to each element- Was John Lennon closer to Fire, Air or Water? Ringo Starr was probably Earth, right? Not that that will make it into the article, sometimes i just give my mind some rope and see where it leads.

But I digress. So I wrote the Eclipse haiku-a few entries down if you are interested. An idea popped into my head. Wouldn’t it be fun to come up with a haiku for each of the 78 tarot cards? My idea of fun tends to be as askew as my idea of cool.
So tonight I drew a card from the deck IV of Pentacles and after some thought came up with this:

Holding too tightly
coins slip from an old man’s grasp
order tossed aside.

IV of Pentacles

The Empress

“Through her door i came upon her
and through her door the world appeared
Creation in all its glory
wheat, and fruit, swans filled the air
She led me through her magick kingdom
wheat grew high, and flowers bloomed
the river breeze caressed us
i tried to think but couldn’t care
for all i saw i loved and wanted
all i needed reached for me
the stars in her hair blinded me
and the moon laid at her feet
She held me until the morning
oh magic night lost to her love
and gained, expression imagination
fruitful creativity”

Surfing the Schrodinger Wave

I am but am not

I hang five on the wave that never collapses

The uncertainty doesn’t bother me

The paradox can be paradoctored

It is I that decide

Ignoring the ten doors that lead to 10 kingdoms

I seek beyond the veil

facing the nightmares that make me i

until i find the not i through which the world changes.

Only if it matters not where i go or whether i go

can i continue

for if it matters then the matter contains me

and it is my will not to be contained.