Of Timing, Tragedy and Tunnel Vision


“Your best work involves timing. If someone wrote the best hip hop song of all time in the Middle Ages, he had bad timing.”
― Scott Adams


As those of you who have read this blog for awhile know, I’ve been working on the Tarot Project for about five years now. Of these five years most of the last year and a half were at something of a standstill. For various reasons I felt blocked and unmotivated to continue. I went away on the trip and came back with a renewed sense of purpose. In the last three and a half weeks, I have covered 11 cards of the Major Arcana and have been finishing off a new entry in order every two or three days.
Sunday I finished card XI-Strength and the next one up was the Hanged Man. Today true to form and my own deadlines, I finished the entry and posted it. What totally fell out of my mind thru all of it was that my timing might have, in the wake of yesterday’s events come off as a bit insensitive.
Robin Williams comedy spoke to many of us. Last night I wrote about how it spoke to me. I think part of what happened besides my own tunnel-vision commitment to self-imposed deadlines and wanting to see this project through is that it is still somewhat difficult to accept his death and the manner of it. By that I don’t mean one of those bizarre conspiracy theories that have started to spring up. It is a shock pure and simple. In a year where tragedy in the world has become heart-wrenchingly common place, this one struck home in a particularly close way. That and bad timing. I didn’t even connect the card entry with Robin Williams until a friend pointed it out on FB. It was a maximum Face palm moment.
Synchronicity has struck in many strange ways during my work on this project. I apologize profusely to anyone who thought my entry was a particularly tasteless statement. Tho I’d like to think with his appreciation for irony Robin would have found it somewhat funny.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Holding PatternHolding Pattern by G A Rosenberg


Fears of a ClownFears of a Clown by G A Rosenberg


Madness Spark


“You’re only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”
–Robin Williams


Sad clown
infused with divine madness
when did your journey start?
You gave the gift of laughter
and then it vanished
When pain came
you held my heart
and helped smile it away
Funny men understand pain
they feel so deeply
Now you’ve journeyed beyond
to other lives and hearts
leaving remembered laughs in your wake
and gratitude.
— G A Rosenberg


I will hold on to my spark of madness and share it for that is where my art comes from and I will seize each day in the best way I can


RIP Robin Williams. Thank you for performances that generally touched me. Dead Poets Society and The Fisher King remain two of my favourite movies of all time. You had a genuine understanding of how laughter and tears intertwine. That knowledge comes at a price. May your journey forward be a joyous one.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Surveying the WreckageSurveying the Wreckage by G A Rosenberg


Another Unbidden LandscapeAnother Unbidden Landscape by G A Rosenberg


Video of the Day – Yom Kippur (Day of At-One-Ment) 2009

Little explanation for this one folks. Was out walking Rufus thinking about going to synagogue as a kid on Yom Kippur. Basically the day is spent listing sins and saying to God that if I’ve done this sin, please forgive me” Anyway started looking at that, if the universe is manifest in each one of us then from whom are we asking forgiveness? If we are all perfect, living out our lives in the way we need most to grow, along with the inherent stumbles along the way and doing the best we can, then why can’t we accept ourselves for who we’ve been, and forgive ourselves and all others. I kind of picture having this conversation with the universe or perhaps myself.

I don’t see this as not being accountable, In order to forgive ourselves, we first have to admit that we have done something that needs forgiving…