Tarot Post – The Lovers


VI-The Lovers (Gemini ♊︎)


The Lovers The Lovers by G A Rosenberg


Two Streams combine, one
Opposites brought together
Love beckons refreshed


In a glade I met the other
and my dormant soul came alive
The differences between us were so clear
Here was a being
who might fill my empty spaces
and whom I could fill
in wonder, in prayer, in delight.
I didn’t understand
and could spend my existence trying
as we sought to combine in every way possible.
Yet doing this meant leaving the life I knew behind.
What did the child’s home matter
when I could find fulfilment
in the being of another?
Yet I was needed there.
Duty and comfort drew me back
Her being drew me forward.
To go to her would mean
losing my self, my blood, my life
yet gain meaning
in something larger.
i froze, caught between possibilities
I saw in her eyes
the same dilemma.
Moving forward, I made my choice
— G A Rosenberg


As children we are governed mainly by those around us whether it be our parents or the society in which we are raised. These are represented in the tarot by The Empress, The Emperor and the Hierophant. These influences act on us and give us a particular lens on the world. They tell us what is expected of us and almost everything we do is either in concordance or rebellion to these influences. Then one day we meet the other. We feel an intense attraction towards them. It may be either a sexual attraction towards someone of the opposite (or same) sex or just an intense interest. They were raised under a different lens than us with different influences. They are built differently and have different expectations of life. That can make everything we have believed up to this point come into question. Do we continue to endorse the viewpoints of our family and the society that raised us or do we embrace these new points of view? How can we continue to live in the manner that we are used to when we know that there is another, maybe a better way? We start to see the flaws in our parents’ outlooks and methods and challenge those who’s authority we have never challenged before. We have come to a point where we recognize the need to make our own choices. Ultimately this may mean leaving home and going out to the other. It may mean finding a way to encompass both.
This time of choice is represented by The Lovers card. In older versions of the tarot, the card showed a young man choosing between an older darker-haired woman and a fair-haired younger woman. This represented the choice between his family and his lover. In Waite’s deck, as well as the picture here, this card was shown to represent a mature man and woman standing together (suggesting Eden). Aleister Crowley’s Thoth deck depicts an alchemical wedding which is also at its simplest, a joining together with the other.


Astrological Attribution – Gemini (♊︎) – The Gemini influence is that of intellect and analysis. It loves to take things apart and discover what makes them work. Part of this is distinguishing one thing from another and Gemini is a very analytical sign. Gemini’s symbol is the twins and it can easily see both sides of a question and can vacillate between the two sides. Gemini’s Mercurial nature is shown by how quickly it moves from one subject to another, ever probing and learning more before it moves on to another. This may make it appear superficial tho with time Gemini’s understanding deepens. Gemini is quick to act and quick to react but no reaction no matter how infuriating is ever the last one.


Runic Attribution – Ehwaz (‘Horse’)EhwazThe horse stands in unique partnership to man. At its best a horse and his rider become in tune with each other moving as one. Ehwaz represents partnership, communication and swift movement forward. It also represents harmony in relationships. Other runes connected with the Lovers are Kenaz and Gebo.


Path on the tree of Life – Path 18-Zayin-The Meaning of Zayin is (‘sword’). A sword is used to separate and analyze determining how two things differ from each other. A sword can be used to separate or to unite (as in kingdoms). It can also represent the penis which also has the ability to separate or unite. Path 18 is the path that connects the sephiroth of Binah (“understanding”) and Tiphareth (“beauty”). It is referred to as the Disposing Intelligence. It is a path that crosses the abyss linking the lower seven sephiroth with the upper three. In order to bring understanding from beauty, one must analyze and then later synthesize the understanding.


When the Lovers card shows up in a reading it can definitely indicate a strong romance that is either ongoing or on the horizon. This relationship goes well beyond the physical and can mean the type of lessons in understanding and harmonizing with another that only such a relationship can give. It can also indicate a time of choice between two paths that are both compelling. This may be due to the prospect of such a relationship and can often mean choosing between the life that the querent is living now and a path totally new to them. The Lovers can indicate how important and essential your current relationship is to your life. The Lovers card may also represent any major choice that involves several layers of the querent’s life. Upright this often means they can chose confidently knowing that their decision will be the correct one. The card may indicate that the question is one of trusting in one’s partner.


Reversed, the Lovers can mean that the querent is doubting the choices that they have made or is being tempted to make a choice that will ultimately prove challenging if not damaging. It may mean disharmony and temptations to split up. This may be due to trust issues. It may mean that a partnership is splitting up because the people involved have lost sight of the things that have brought them together in the first place. In a position in the reading indicating the past, the Lovers may refer to bitterness over past relationships that are hurting the querent now.

Quote of the Day – November 4 2012

“Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell.”
― Alan Moore

Perhaps some of us tell our stories by living them.. Others by pantomime or satire. Perhaps everything we say or do becomes our story even in the smallest of chapters, the map that comes the closes to being the territory yet never quite reaches it. After all I feel pretty sure by this point that what and whom i am goes well beyond this life. This life yet one story within a far greater volume. A story I gladly tell even if Shakespeare’s Macbeth is right that it is told by an idiot and in the end has little meaning. Nah, I put greater credence into stories than that. Each one has some meaning if only that it is a snowflake, unique and beautiful.
Blessings, G

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Trump XX -Judgement by G A Rosenberg


Mandala of the Wands by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 19 2012

“I will go forth as a real outlaw,” he said, “and as men do robbery on the highway I will do right on the highway; and it will be counted a wilder crime.”
― G.K. Chesterton


What does it mean to do right? “If it harm none?” Does it mean being a rapturist (the opposite of a terrorist) who goes forth committing random acts of senseless kindness? What about the times when the right thing to do, the just thing to do is nothing? Can we sit back knowing that balance has brought people to a crossroads where violence may have been invited into their lives in order to stop them from going further down the path they have been? How do we know?

I sometimes become surprised at how many people, mainly younger, tell me that they have been contemplating suicide. I listen and most of the time I find out rather quickly that their real intention seems more to get people listening to them for they need to speak. I listen because that seems to me the right thing to do and inevitably I tell them that I believe that that may be a choice for them. I also ask them if they believe in reincarnation. If they tell me they do I ask them if they have considered that this life may indeed be one of the more pleasant ones. Pretty quickly they switch to telling me that things seem much brighter. Does it seem to be the right thing to dissuade them. At the time for sure, tho how would I feel if I were to read a month later that one of then went on a killing spree?

Still some things I choose to accept because for me at least currently they work. Compassion and empathy is always better. Love is better. Learning how to put these into right action and right thought tends to be a work in progress.
Blessings, G


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Tarot Trump XI – Justice by G A Rosenberg


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