Flowers poke out through the Holes in My Road — Thought Flow

“Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.”
― Vincent van Gogh


Normality is a comfortable walk? Perhaps for some, I have never found it so but then it seems it is a road I have oft missed. I stand estranged from most it seems, the Fool on the hill, the Joker in the deck, ever leaping and having thoughts that others don’t. Not necessarily clearer thoughts or better ones but different. Still they suit me and if I find that my thoughts and fancies keep me alone even when surrounded by loved ones well, that happens too. The more mainstream I have tried to be, the more I pave my road, the more flowers and weeds grow through. Perhaps paving in grape jelly is not the way to go? Seriously, or maybe frivolously I know that my road being its own that it probably is normal for me and others well enough have stuck with me that they must get some entertainment even if its just the strange colours.
Blessings, G


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A GuardianGuardian by G A Rosenberg


Fusion in the Heart of a StarFusion in the Heart of a Star by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 30 2011

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”

    –Vincent Van Gough


Rambling Thoughts
Finding the Present as the Past’s Future and the Future’s Past yet living in the moment. Have I become that aware of time’s illusion or have I lost sight of the NOW.. I keep arriving only to find i’ve never left, a new consequence of the home within.
Glowing edges have given me the stars and the knight sky. I dream yet awake and I walk on. I become aware of new potentialities and perhaps they become aware of me.

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We Are All Made of Stars by G A Rosenberg

Glowing Leopard by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day and “Trumps Up”

“First of all the twinkling stars vibrated but remained motionless in space, then all the celestial globes were united into one series of movements…Firmament and planets both disappeared, but the mighty breath which gives lives to all things and in which all is bound up remained”

–Vincent van Gough

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Trump Landscape by G A Rosenberg