Six of Cups -Redux

<h3>Natural Pleasures

Natural Pleasures

Hold my hand and
Let me taste of your willingness
as we eagerly  explore inner and outer beings
The music starts
We take the first steps moving in rhythm to a dance
older than our souls,
a dance not performed with limbs
or tongue or organs but with our very beings,
Masculine and Feminine energies
combining within ourselves and each other
a love letter written from eternity
to that which always was.
— G A Rosenberg

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Six of Cups by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 7 2012

“You must write every single day of your life… You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads… may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.”
― Ray Bradbury   (1920-2012)

Great Journeys Mr. Bradbury… you brought me to Mars and Dark Circuses for the first time and made me want a tattoo or several way before i could get permission to get them. Thank  you for dreams and memories and showing the heart in everything you write about…

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Guarded by G A Rosenberg

Dragonfire Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – April 22 2012

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
— Ernest Hemingway

If writing is akin to bleeding, then what if I fear to see my blood? How do I show what I fear to see myself. I talk a lot about facing up to my fears yet this one, looking at the events in my life both the painful and inspiring may be a difficult one. Oh listing the highlights of my life is easy enough, yet looking at them enough to make them real, reliving them in a way that will set me free, seems ever so much harder. Chatting with you the way I do is kind of a halfway step. Maybe that’s it. Maybe now that I’ve reached halfway, i can go halfway again and be even closer, then half of that and eventually I may have reached true written communication, faced my fears and exorcised a demon or two along the way..

Zeno’s Paradox

In the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise, Achilles is in a footrace with the tortoise. Achilles allows the tortoise a head start of 100 metres, for example. If we suppose that each racer starts running at some constant speed (one very fast and one very slow), then after some finite time, Achilles will have run 100 metres, bringing him to the tortoise’s starting point. During this time, the tortoise has run a much shorter distance, say, 10 metres. It will then take Achilles some further time to run that distance, by which time the tortoise will have advanced farther; and then more time still to reach this third point, while the tortoise moves ahead. Thus, whenever Achilles reaches somewhere the tortoise has been, he still has farther to go. Therefore, because there are an infinite number of points Achilles must reach where the tortoise has already been, he can never overtake the tortoise.
–Nick Huggett

…or maybe not. I feel determined tho that I can face this. What blocks to communication do you face?
Blessings, G

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Illumination by G A Rosenberg

Honeycombed Tree Maze by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – April 10, 2012

“Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something.”
— Kurt Vonnegut

Why do we do what we do? Why do we as humans need to express our being either in small ways or large. Perhaps for some it is in the way we dress or the language that we use. Perhaps in what we believe how we pray or who we choose to hang around with. With every breath of our being we find new ways to express who we are. I am grateful for the talents I’ve been given (such as they are) for writing and for art. I love how I get inspired to dig deeply and create something new. Recently I came across a quote that every time we sit down to write something, it is a spiritual act in that we pray for language. I suppose the graphic corollary to this is that every time I open up Photoshop and start messing with images, I pray for aesthetics. I pray that somehow the images and symbols and photos I play with can be rearranged and combined and coloured in a way that will express something of my being.
Even if many of my pictures aren’t quite successful. Even if my words fall short of expressing what I wish them to. At least I can say that I’ve brought something new into the world and sometimes, sometimes, I know I have achieved beauty and meaning. If I can do that once than it is worth the ten thousand attempts. For all of you creative beings, of which I include everyone I’ve ever met whether or not they consider themselves an artist, I am grateful and humbled
Blessings, G

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Spirits of Love by G A Rosenberg

Stained Class 2 by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – April 5 2012

“How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on”
–Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We know ourselves to be part of a greater whole and at times we feel it. We cannot know  what it is to be that whole yet still we exist both sovereign and part. And still we flow

Blessings, G

(Below is the start of a story I was playing around with to go with tonight’s picture. It needs some reworking tho. I am starting to understand better what it is to write. )

She stands at the entrance to the temple
I was told I may be allowed in
Three questions to be asked and answered
Honesty counts
but then it always has..

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Priestess In the New Temple by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – February 13 2012

“Perspective – Use It or Lose It. If you turned to this page, you’re forgetting that what is going on around you is not reality.
Think about that.”
–Richard Bach


A while back I got into a conversation with my friend Rob. He was having some problems and obviously wanted to discuss them. Like many of us, Rob tends to have a dramatic streak. I think it might be useful to share the conversation as I found that what i told him was inspired (i actually felt the light bulb come on in my head) and gives some much needed perspective:

Rob: My life sucks
Me: What do you mean?
Rob: I can’t get a job. My parents want me out of the house..
Me: that’s rough
Rob: I don’t have a girl I’m SICK of feeling alone. I can’t concentrate when i meditate
Me: Are you just letting what comes out comes out?
Rob: Whatever man. I just want to kill myself. I’m not just saying it either. I’m going to
Me: (Somewhat at a loss) Have you tried talking to anybody?
Rob: Like who? Shrinks are just going to want to medicate me. My friends don’t take anything seriously. Just some people here to talk to. It’s not worth it. I’m just gonna do it. You can read about it in the paper or online tomorrow

At this point I was flailing a bit mentally trying to come up with the right thing to say.
Finally I had a flash

Me: Ok Rob, so you want to do this. To some extent, I believe that people have the right to end if if they want to but before you do I have one question. Do you believe in reincarnation?

Rob: uh..yeah
Me: Have you ever stopped to consider that this might be one of your easier lives and that your next one may be even more challenging?
Long pause
Rob: Fuck you.

Long pause
Rob: 🙂

After that the conversation got a lot lighter and we were able to bounce possible non-lethal solutions to his problem off of each other.


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Gazing on the Infinite by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 13 2011 — Doorways

“A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.”

                     — James Joyce

Doors opening
not only before me
but in my art
Where will they take me?
Can I just look
or shall i step through
knowing that the very experience
of passing through
will mean changes
for every portal leaves its mark
on my existence
and yet the very act of walking past
will also leave me marked…
Still every door opens before us for a reason
We manifest doorways because we
need that exposure
At every crossroads
we test our being

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Portal Mandala by G A Rosenberg
Portal Mandala 2 by G A Rosenberg
Portal Mandala 3 by G A Rosenberg

Epigramically Yours

1) If I knew then what I know now then now I would know even more. We learn at the pace we need to.

2) What? There’s no spiritual advancement merit badges? We’re all getting there? Ahhhhhh!!!

3) “And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make”

With all due respect to Saint Lennon, In the end I’m not so concerned about the love I take. I’d rather leave it all, spread out as far as possible…
With love, its a matter of have all you want, we can always make more =)

4)  A friend of mine used to tell me that she had wisdom. “I have wisdom so he should listen to me” In these cases there’s always a he or a she or a they who would benefit if only they’d listen..
And you know what, I do believe that she had wisdom, she sure parted with precious little of it =)
Share people…we are in this together and if we don’t help out where we can…then what are we here for?

5) People seem proud of how many others they can teach…What i find more impressive is how many people we can learn from…If you haven’t been a teacher of mine its only because i haven’t encountered you yet…

Golden Apples in Vrndavana Fields

Setting : A dance club Vrndavana Fields that lives somewhere in our hearts. I look around. The atmosphere is somewhere between that of a church and a goth club with a bit of druidic conclave added for good measure. Trees grow from the floor and their branches provide natural places for the lighting. All my friends are here along with incarnations of godhead from various pantheons and belief systems. What music plays here? Ah, a bit of everything from the sacred hymns and gospel you may expect to death metal, hitting all stops along the way. Right now Billy Idol’s voice can be heard singing “Dancing With Myself”. Krishna, Yeshu and Lucifer are in a corner dancing shirtless enjoying the irony.

Everybody here seems to be having a great time. We hang out and dance, read, drink or eat, kiss and couple in a totally natural way with none of the drama that sex usually brings. Innocently, an exchange of energy and some of the lovemaking is energetic indeed. In this place even casual play is sacred yet no matter accrues to it.

What lies outside of this club be it field or forest? There are no secrets, we may know or not know. Perhaps we only see a little. After all, the reality is too large and we each have our bit to contribute to this feast..
Speaking of feasts…
A Golden Apple rolls in. On it can be read the word Kallisti, which is greek meaning ‘for the most beautiful’. It seems that the goddess Eris is up to her old tricks. It was an apple, such as this that started the Trojan War. Does she now hope to start the War of the Trojans? She looks around expectantly. It seems that everyone here knows that not only are they entitled to the apple but but that every other being is also, The Most beautiful referred to being that eternal spark of godhead that resides in us all. As each comes to this realization, the apple grows large enough for everyone to take a bite. After all there is only one tree from which this apple could have come and one garden in which we dance. Perhaps the winged doormen with the flaming swords should have given us our first clue…
In love and joy, we partake of the apple, and by doing so we all realize our divinity. The sweet juice of the goddess runs down the sides of our mouths and we transcend transcending. Trance ends transcendeing.