Exploring the Depths (August 2017)


At the Beginning of August, my work contract had come to an end. I was asked by my partner and friends what I intended to do next. I was kind of at loose ends but also knew I didn’t have to decide right away. It helped that I was about to leave on a two week camping trip so did not have to decide in a hurry. I replied that I was hoping to focus more on my art and was hoping to get it seen more, published more and hopefully make more sales along the way.
We left the next day for Oregon state. About an hour into the trip my phone rang. It was Asbjörn Torvol telling me that he loved my art work and that he was hoping to use it in a few books. I have grown used to things falling into place like this for me and have done some work to help the process along but am still pleasantly surprised when it happens.
Asbjörn Torvol is a magician in the vitki tradition (among many others) and one of the most prolific writers, internet presences and magicians that I have met. He is also one of the most industrious. Working with him and subsequently his lady (the amazing Jo Morris) has upped my game considerably.
There are a number of projects that he is using my artwork on. The first of which is Beyond Prophecy, a book of Runic magic for which I’ve done depictions of each of the Elder Futhark for the book. There are other books and card decks in progress which I will announce as they come out.


Click on images to see full-sized
Cosmic Dance (redux) by GAR


Hades by GAR


Spirit Walk (BW) by GAR


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