Eve of the Gamblers…

Last night we did the casino thing.  Funny the other day an IF (Internet Friend) of mine made a video stating how bored he was by cultural stuff that so many found so important. I had wanted to reply to him by  saying something about not knocking the smaller pleasures in life. and that anything that brings happiness to some even for a few fleeting moments can’t be considered that bad.

Yet, nothing that I have done in quite awhile felt quite as empty and pointless as me time in the casino last night. It felt a bit like I’d imagine an opium den to feel like or perhaps like being an innocent bystander in a Roger Corman Zombie film. People who seemed lifeless and soulless emptying their wallets into machines, stock players, centrally-casted to play cocktail waitresses and dealers (an interesting name for the job description given the drug metaphor that I used.) It just felt so mechanical….

Put your money into the machine and/or place your bet at the table, push the button, make a choice, bet again, place your money, push the button, win, loose, place your bet again and again and again not so much gambling as that implies risk and no one seemed to be risking anything, anymore than any addict or casual user of a drug risks, nothing unfamiliar, just the same old numbing song and dance.

I wish on some level that I could feel more compassionate towards those people and more casual about it. To some extent, I wonder if my work at attempting to see my life and existence at a deeper level , meditating, focusing within, working on living in the heart and feeling makes so much of the silly stuff that we (including me) Homo Sapiens do feel like….well silly stuff. I don’t know

Today travelled through some countryside in Washington and Oregon. The beach here is incredible. We are staying for three days in Cannon Beach. ..

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