Sprouting the Seed 1

A few nights ago, on myspace and a few other places, I wrote a line that popped into my head that I thought was a great starting point for any one of a number of stories or poems and called it a story seed : “Today in my secret place I found a door”. As an exercise in writing and because it seems like fun, I decided that over the next while (days or weeks) I would sprout the seed in various ways and see where it might go. At the end of this I might take the sprout that I like best and transplant it , publishing it here after I feel it has come to full grownt . Feel free to comment and let me know which sprout you like best. First sprout:

Today in my secret place I found a door. Funny, after all this time coming here I thought I knew all of the ins and outs. Oh things shift around every now and then. After all who would want to live in a static reality? Still this spot had always been somewhat continual. To all appearances, it seems a warm cave with lighting that suits me bright enough to read in yet not so bright as to disturb meditation. The fire pit was there with wood that I restocked when I came and a carpet fragment to sit on, nice and soft, taken from a childhood memory. …

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