Slipping through the Mental Slipstream

song, sound, echoes, energy flows,
sound waves crashing and breaking
peaceful sounds
echo, location
home more and more.
home is only as far as my self
and love is as close as my acceptance
which varies. much like those waves

Being mindful
aware, beware, weary at times….
feeling, listening and yet
that too comes in waves
tides of reality
gee my tides out,
can walk for miles
on mind sand
doesn’t make for good swimming in the reality stream
but the views incredible

waking and reawakening
still the clouds surround
yet the occasional clear patch
makes it all worthwhile
where is the cosmic matcha that will jolt me
facing my shadow
looking at it direct or sometimes
making shadow animals on the wall

If time and space are constructs by which we understand reality then how can we long for home?
Truly we carry home within us..

Thank you my goddess for inspiring me
I give myself in your service over and over

We chose which destiny is ours for each choice past present and future ripples out each reality complete…at times we get glimpses of what may come if we go down certain paths…

How many places do people take truth and lies

Scarcity is a lie that has caused many of humanities ills
panicked people horde more than they can ever use because they fear not having enough
sharing and helping out minimally (most often with full announcements so people know how generous they are) people who have little they assuage their conscious…

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