Quote of the Day – March 14 2013

“Seek what you know as the highest. It does not matter whether it is going to happen or not – living with a vision itself is a very elevating process.” ~Sadhguru


What would you do for the sake of a dream?
What is your vision?
What is the difference between living with a dream and living without one?
Some of my favourite dreamers — Don Qixote, Emperor Norton, Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Florence Foster Jenkins, Nikola Tesla, the list goes on.
What is the highest vision you have?
In the best of all possible worlds, what does it look like?
What will bring you to your dream?


Wonderful Dreams Everyone
Blessings, G


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Cloud Gazing
Cloud Gazing by G A Rosenberg


Electric FlowerElectric Flower by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 13 2013

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
― Henry David Thoreau


Things I see:
My fingers on the keyboard
Art on the desktop
guitar and music keyboard
books and more books
water containers
tarot cards
a breeze fluttering papers
a battery power in the making
a screen
a world of wonder waiting to be explored
a chance to do better
a hope for harmony
reasons to exist
joy in the making
bliss ready to begin
a message from a friend
a cat purring in her sleep
a life better than any I’ve dreamt
an opportunity to make things better


Just thought I’d share 🙂
What do you see?
Blessings, G


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Colour Poem 22Colour Poem #22 by G A Rosenberg


Night Swimming in Strange PoolsNight Swimming in Strange Pools by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Six of Wands


Six of Wands (Victory)


Six of WandsSix of Wands (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Success by doing

what reveals your inner joy

brings recognition



After all this time
inner and outer challenges
We have come to find success
Now the future stands before me
as we face our heroes’ welcome
The public one anyway; tonight
there will be a personal one
as I am welcomed…
Ah, there will be many more of both

My own doubts have been
conquered as well
A personal victory
that has carried forward
and one I can help others with.
as we forge ahead
with much left to be won.


The suite of Wands deal with force-creative, spiritual, and vital. Sixes represent balance and harmony. When creative and spiritual force reaches a balance there is a victory over whatever forces within or without that was causing the imbalance in the first place. This victory increases self-confidence and allows one to optimistically expect to triumph over future imbalance and difficulties. Imagine how liberating it is when blockages to creativity or spirituality have been removed and new expansion made possible.


Astrological Correspondence – Jupiter in Leo – Jupiter in Leo is a very lucky and charismatic energy. It attains much in whatever it endeavours (especially if it can stay out of the way of its own ego) and inspires others to aspire to the same heights. Jupiter in Leo tends to be a bit dramatic and plays to its audience, after all it truly feels that it cannot be beaten but it is also magnanimous, believing in giving back to those ‘less fortunate. Jupiter in Leo tends to be strongly opinionated and will have problems with anyone who ‘dares’ to disagree. The energy is also one that attracts and is attractive to children as there is a strong protective streak associated with it.


I Ching Correspondence – 41) Sun – Decrease
___ ___
___ ___
___ ___

This hexagram is comprised of the trigram of the Mountain over that of the Lake and carries the idea of decrease by evaporation of the lake leading to increase of the mountain by precipitation. When looking to achieve balance, we decrease what we have too much of and increase what there is too little of. When we increase the qualities that we see in ourselves as positive, ie compassion, joy and knowledge and decrease our apathy and ignorance than we have attained a victory over our inner selves.


When the Six of Wands comes up in a reading there is optimism and victory in the offering. Whatever contest inner or outer that is in the offering will be triumphant. Steps may have to be taken so that this win is not at the expense of others. Often this card denotes that one is in the position to inspire other’s with optimism and can-do spirit. When this card comes up in the past position, it can refer to reflecting and relying on past victories and one’s ‘glory days’.


When the Six of Wands turns up reversed in a reading it may show that one is filled with doubts and does not see how to win out over them. It can also refer to overconfidence and the belief that one has won when in reality that may not be the case

Quote of the Day – March 12 2013

“And here, according to Trout, was the reason human beings could not reject ideas because they were bad: “Ideas on Earth were badges of friendship or enmity. Their content did not matter. Friends agreed with friends, in order to express friendliness. Enemies disagreed with enemies, in order to express enmity.

“The ideas Earthlings held didn’t matter for hundreds of thousands of years, since they couldn’t do much about them anyway. Ideas might as well be badges as anything.

“They even had a saying about the futility of ideas: ‘If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.’

“And then Earthlings discovered tools. Suddenly agreeing with friends could be a form of suicide or worse. But agreements went on, not for the sake of common sense or decency or self-preservation, but for friendliness.

“Earthlings went on being friendly, when they should have been thinking instead. And even when they built computers to do some thinking for them, they designed them not so much for wisdom as for friendliness. So they were doomed. Homicidal beggars could ride.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions



This week I seem to be having a lot of my old issues returning to haunt me and perhaps finally coming to the point where I can put them to bed.
Tonight I lost a friendship (careless of me I know). It seems that my friend Mark considers himself a teacher and somewhat of a guru and was disappointed that I was not ‘sharing his wisdom’ and insights with everyone I knew on the internet. It was a fair point. I haven’t been.
While I have been willing to connect him with people I know, I have not shared that many of his ideas. I enjoy talking with the man and enjoy his conversation. Doesn’t that mean I find his ideas worthwhile? It took me a bit of meditation and sitting with this question to receive an answer. While I do find some of Mark’s insights valuable, I find that many of them have been said before and said better. I also believe that there are some places where Mark widely either contradicts himself or kind of misses the forest for the trees. By saying this, I do not believe that these qualities are not true of my own writing. Like most of us, I learn as I go and I take for granted that all or most of what I say may be superseded by a greater truth.
Herein lies the problem. Mark seems to believe in the absolute accuracy of his vision to such a degree that he has been known to dismiss anyone who disagrees with him without even considering what they have to say or that it may lead to a greater truth. In order to keep the friendship, I have avoided questioning him on his ideas. I could not be dishonest to the extent of endorsing them but I also could not recommend them whole heartedly.
Thus in trying to maintain a friendship I ended up losing it and in the process gained a lesson in integrity. From this point on I will hold the truth to be more important than friendship. Indeed how can you have a true friendship without it?
I am thankful to Mark for driving this lesson home and I wish him well. It’s also refreshing to some extent that not only can I still make errors in judgement at this point in my life but that I can realize them.
Blessings, G


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Caught Up in the DanceCaught Up in the Dance by G A Rosenberg



Landing FieldLanding Field by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 11 2013

“We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.”
― Marcel Proust


Joyful Activities

Light a candle
bring illumination
dispel the darkness


lift the gloom
warm the heart of another


Play silly games
Hug a tree
Sing a song that makes you giggle


Run around the block
tickle a baby
play with a puppy


Say “I love you”
Say “I love you” to your partner
Say “I love you” to a mirror
Say “I love you” to a stranger.


Talk deeply with a friend
walk in the woods
walk by a stream


Write a poem
Makeup a story
Draw a picture


Listen to music that frees your soul
Feel Gratitude


To be continued….

Blessings, G


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PriestessPriestess by G A Rosenberg


Staring at the Ceiling2Staring at the Ceiling by G A Rosenberg



Quote of the Day – March 10 2013

“The worst thing you can do is censor yourself as the pencil hits the paper. You must not edit until you get it all on paper. If you can put everything down, stream-of-consciousness, you’ll do yourself a service.”
― Stephen Sondheim


Yet we do censor ourselves or I do, not only when I write but when I speak as well. I used to say it was because I didn’t want to offend. It is only relatively recently that I realized it has more to do with avoidance of conflict and over concern with what people think of me. Slowly this is changing and my authenticity grows. Still tho I find particularly with those closest I do them and myself the disservice of not speaking my truth and then harbouring resentments in order to have peace in the home.  Still each day I find my voice more. The strange thing is the more i communicate what I have problems with the more alternatives I can find to solutions and the more I unknot. What other areas is this happening in?
Blessings, G


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Externalizing the ProcessExternalizing the Process by G A Rosenberg


Mindfield 5Mindfield 5 by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles (Worry / Material Difficulty)


Five of PentaclesFive of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


Body ragged, slow

Hobbling by necessity

Inspired by sunlight




<h4> Wounded and bereft

Free from outside solace

I limp along

I have come through the wars

Yet look at me

No? Am I that hard to see?


There may be little left of me

and even less for me

but I Have Endured

that cannot be taken

and within I carry the key

to the redemption of all.

So pass me by

and I will continue

for the time may come

when wounds are healed at last…

— G A Rosenberg


The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Fives stand for conflict, change and a breaking through to higher thought. When we have conflict with our bodies we have sickness and injury. Conflict with money at its extreme is poverty. At one time or another, most of us will experience to some extent what it means to be broke, injured or both.  This card speaks to how we deal with this. Will the rough times of our life bring us down or will they make us stronger?  There are people who live most of their lives with less money or less mobility because of illness than we have ever experienced and they thrive. There are others who’s lives fall apart as soon as they encounter any difficulty.
Carlos Castaneda’s teacher, Don Juan said, “The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse.” If we can truly learn to do this than any difficulty we encounter in our life will ultimately strengthen us.


Astrological Correspondence – Mercury in Taurus – The Mercury in Taurus energy is that of slow deliberate practical thought. It is very hands-on and makes up in thoroughness and groundedness what it lacks in speed. When people with this energy speak, it is well worth listening to because they speak from a life grounded in experience.


I Ching Correspondence – 23) Po – Splitting Apart


___ ___
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___ ___
___ ___
___ ___

The Image is the trigram meaning Mountain on top of that meaning Earth. This hexagram resembles a house that is held together by its roof. Once the roof collapses, so does the house. During times of collapse when it feels like circumstances have turned against us, it is useful to still ourselves rather than act out of a sense of panic or urgency. By being still, we can wait out the storm and rebuild from our strengths.
The hexagram Po also speaks of a period when collapse is necessary in order for something new to be build. In the Autumn plants have to die in order to be born anew in the spring.


When the Five of Pentacles shows up in a reading, it speaks of a time when either finances, health or both will come to a point of crisis. This can be seen as a period of endurance that will be survived tho it may prove difficult. This card may also represent a missed opportunity in one’s life. Sometimes when we are experiencing difficulty, we become so focussed on what befalls us that we miss out on the good things around us.


When reversed, the Five of Pentacles becomes a bit more dire and the problems more difficult to recover from. This has as much to do with our reaction to the problem as to the situation itself