New Matrices (September 2017)


Too often in life it becomes too easy to sit back and watch conflicts happen in front of us. When we have a talent for seeing more than one side of an issue both sides can look pretty foolish. This objectivity can too often be used tho to overlook bad behaviour and even more can be used as an excuse to not taking a stand.
More and more tho I am starting to believe the adage that “If I don’t stand for something I will fall for anything” I have no intentions of going to extremities but I will do what I can to stick up for friends and anyone’s right to be themselves openly without fear. I don’t mean fear of other people’s words or reactions. We all need to grow up enough to realize that no matter who we are, someone won’t like it and they will probably be vocal. When someone challenges us vocally, we can either challenge them back or ignore them. After all, what someone thinks of me is none of my business. It is a different story tho when someone by their actions tries to limit another in their freedom. That is when it is time to fight.


Click on images to see full-sized
Guardian and Guide (redux) by GAR


Abstracted Spirits in the Storm (redux) by GAR


Forming a New Matrix (Redux) by GAR


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