Notes on: The Ace of Wands

(Seed of Chance and Fire)

Artist’s Notes:
In a place that is mainly undifferentiated in terms of shape colour or element, a tree appears. At the tree’s base is a tiger wearing a rather striking hat. Is this a primal tree of life from which everything else will appear or is it merely a magician’s wand writ large. Best to look around because the longest distance between two numbers is between 0 (non-existence) and 1 (something is there). If there is one thing then it can be expected that this will lead to more sooner rather than later. Wands don’t simply appear by chance or is that the only way they do?
About the Archetype:
Wands in general deal with creativity and spiritual force. Aces deal with beginnings and seeds. Here is the inspiration that starts a new cycle of everything that is to come. This is the seed of existence that contains everything that is to come. A new road has appeared. a spark of fire where there was only darkness. Go for it… Let the spark ignite you spiritually and creatively.
Astrological Correspondence:
The Aces hold a unique place astrologically in the tarot. Where the trumps each have their planet, sign, or element and the court cards have their combination of elements and sign attributes and even the pip cards (2-10) each have their correspondence, the aces don’t have specific correspondences. They, instead, contain the seed of the element and the potential for everything the element or suit has to offer. You may see them as a balance to the Pages or Princesses of the suit which are the manifestations of the suit in full flower.
In a Reading
In a reading when the Ace of Wands appears upright, maybe talking about a new start as it exists in potential. It is up to us to make use of the potential and to fan the spark into a flame…Take advantage of it
When there is a blockage to the energy (or the card appears reversed) then the spark can have died unfulfilled, a false beginning. Something is blocking you from taking advantage of the potential. The other cards in the spread may very well give you insight into what is blocking you.
Fate’s Whisper:
In a time before death inspired great movements immortals needed an extra push to act. Deeming the original immortals were the first signs of life after the pillars, living life had to start somewhere. It was the idea of the Tiger to induce the air with chaos just to see what would occur. This action becomes the first of many actions that would give the Tiger his first title, Master of Madness. For one whose bias was the purest form of transmutation he knew not predictability nor logic. Even among the pillars, his actions made little sense, though that is the reason he held the spark of life. For its fire needed endless fuel to ensure life could be had.
Like the madness, the Tiger sowed the Ace of Wands signifies a time when we need to manifest change. Unlike the other suit, this change must be born of passion and ambition alone. That spark of life resides in each of us so how will you make the flame of your life shine? Will it be born of boredom and dread? Or will it plant the seed of inspiration in those around you?

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