Tarot Post – Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords


Ace of SwordTarot- Ace of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


A new thought’s dawning

Separate from past errors

Embrace future’s hope.


I drew you in the darkness
when I had lost my way
With no hope
one road looks much like another
Now I have drawn you
and all false paths fade away
and my destiny is clear


The suit of swords represents thought, ideas and plans. The Ace of Swords reveals a new way of thinking and a clear direction. It represents discernment and new insights into which way to go.  In discernment, we transcend duality. No matter how clear the path our discernment shows us we still need to follow through. The aces are after all but seeds. How well we are prepared and whether we find our way to its end is up to us.


In a reading the Ace of Swords can represent both a new way of looking at things or seeing something that we were missing before. It can show a new clarity of thought or perception. It can also represent a new conflict that has arisen and a new challenge to be faced.


When reversed the clarity of the sword has been obscured. There may be confusion where the path cannot be seen. The Ace reversed can also represent delusional thinking where our prejudices and preconceptions are interfering with clear thought.

Tarot Post – Ace of Cups



Ace of Cups

Tarot – Ace of Cups (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


For too long my spirit  felt depleted
I didn’t know what was needed
Emptiness contained within me
Not so much emptiness as a polluted sea
run dry


Now out of nowhere, something new has appeared
this cup in front of me has washed away my fear
I feel reborn; love and creativity
has given me renewed vitality


The cup’s been offered

Drinking from it heals the heart

and renews the soul


The suit of cups in the tarot represent love and our emotional natures. How open are we to receiving that which is offered? What conditions do we place on love and how are we in relationship? The ace of cups (like the other aces) is a seed that contains within it all of the healing and renewal that love can bring. How ready for it are we? Can we drink deep from the cup offered or do we reject it either because we mistrust what is offered or we fear where this new road can lead. The Holy Grail in Arthurian legend healed the land until it was misused and taken for granted. How willing are we to be healed?

When the Ace of cups, shows up in a reading, it represents new love being offered. This can come from another or it can come from within. It often represents a new period of potential joy.When reversed, the Ace of cups indicates a blockage to this renewal. What is stopping us from accepting what is offered? What connection are we not allowing to happen?

Tarot Post – Ace of Wands

This will be the first post of what will (hopefully) be a daily series on the tarot cards. I am retouching and refining all of my tarot pictures (In some cases I will and I wanted to do a write up on each card as well, along with poetry that I’ve done about each card….


Ace of Wands


I featured this card about six months ago but it is for me the best place to begin. Everything comes from a new inspiration, a new seed or spark. This spark catches and we find ourselves inspired. The Ace of Wands is that spark. Something new has begun and we start to have a glimmering of something new..


Ace of WandsAce of Wands by G A Rosenberg


The Dragon seed glows within me.
Inspiration from the dawn of time
Filling me with ideas and power
almost beyond my capacity to bear
I will take up the wand
and channel all that I receive
transmute and transmit
sending it outward
The fire rises within me
ever growing growing
until it spills forth
in creative ecstasy
Something new enters the world
In the distance, a star glows
– G A Rosenberg (2010)


Act of creation

The seed comes forth from spirit

Potential explodes


Wands in general deal with creativity and spiritual force. Aces deal with beginnings and seeds. Here is the inspiration that starts a new cycle of everything that is to come.  A new road has appeared. a spark of fire where there was only darkness.. Go for it… Let the spark ignite you spiritually and creatively and GO FOR IT!!!


When I talk about the meanings of any cards in a reading it is good to keep in mind that nothing exists in a vacuum and that the other cards in a spread can alter the meanings. The Ace of Wands  when it comes up upright is talking about a new start as it exists in potential. It is up to us to make use of the potential and to fan the spark into a flame…Take advantage of it…When there is a blockage to the energy (or the card appears reversed) then the spark can have died unfulfilled, a false beginning. Something is blocking you from taking advantage of the potential. The other cards in the spread may very well give you insight into what is blocking you

Gaian Sunset (Redux)

Where did My Flow Go?

head space clearing, new signals nearing–broadcasting –forecasting–letting go of fearing

things are spinning, spirals winning, searching, lurching,

always new beginning

Destination, Hesitation? Keep going, not showing

tendency procrastination

loosing mind, spirit find, ascending, timebending, learning to rewind…

Confusion? Illusion… Working on my fusion

Infinity, Divinity, Heading towards the Unity

Learning, Yearning, Spirals still turning

Existence I own, Inside I’m home

–G A Rosenberg



Click on image to see full-size


Gaian Sunset by G A Rosenberg

Pain Shoes (Redux) – Watching It All Play Out

Watching it All Play Out


I wanted to understand
so I put on your pain shoes
and let you transmit your experience
direct to my being
You used words but I felt meaning
and while i tried to integrate
another’s excruciating existence
you kept on speaking
way beyond need
“I get it, I feel it”
but accustomed to ignorance
you continued…


If you would stop
I could rid us both
of this…
these shoes hurt my feet
and your memories my being
yet knowing this you continue
a litany of woes
the tale of everyone and anything
that you felt had done you wrong
beyond any forgiveness
I finally realized
you don’t want to lose your pain
you don’t wish understanding
and you hate me for presuming to help
How dare I try to take away what makes you real to yourself?


I smile sadly
as the shoes slip off….
Another mile in another’s moccasins…
Another mile in my own….


— G A Rosenberg


Click on image to see full-sized


Watching It All Play Out


Watching It All Play Out by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 11 2012

“Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.”
― Toni Morrison

Roped into the life I lead
occupied but never freed I ask myself
where and why I let the door go
I don’t know
Gave away its view for security
needed to have that surety
yet it never reached within, my sin
was never to believe in my worth
and what’s worse now that I do
to much to see through
and so the chains tighten
and that door never yields
— G A Rosenberg

It seems tho that even when we can finally claim our freedom, it takes quite awhile longer before we can claim its authorship, a true mark of responsibility.

Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized
Finding the Exit by G A Rosenberg (2009)


Wild Tyger in the Day by G A Rosenberg

Late At Night – A Brief Reflection (with some art ;) )

Late at night
reflecting on the day behind
allowing the feelings to come
finding the right songs to carry me thru
Sincerely feeling
holding nothing back
feels good
To be like this always
as open as a child
and as vulnerable
transcending by experiencing
whatever passes
More and more that seems possible
To be Natural
in a world altered to be less so
seems a worthwhile endeavour’


Click on image to see  full-size

Visitation While the City Sleeps by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 13 2011 — Doorways

“A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.”

                     — James Joyce

Doors opening
not only before me
but in my art
Where will they take me?
Can I just look
or shall i step through
knowing that the very experience
of passing through
will mean changes
for every portal leaves its mark
on my existence
and yet the very act of walking past
will also leave me marked…
Still every door opens before us for a reason
We manifest doorways because we
need that exposure
At every crossroads
we test our being

Click on images to see full-size
Portal Mandala by G A Rosenberg
Portal Mandala 2 by G A Rosenberg
Portal Mandala 3 by G A Rosenberg