Notes on:  Four of Wands

(The Dance Begins)

Artist’s Notes:
The dance begins. Fresh prey has been brought in courtship. It will begin as a dance, as the Tigress sums up her mate and then will turn into battle and from there…new life may well begin. Yet each step is both instinct and intellect combined. Here there will be a consummation through first, each step must be complete.
About the Archetype:
Wands deal with force: creative, spiritual, and vital.
Fours express a stabilizing of, one might even say a containment of energy. Fire contained can be used to heat and cook and forge but it is not a hundred per cent natural. Fire longs to expand freely and so it is in the four of wands. Here is a moment where that energy and force are brought into usefulness. I often think of the four wands in the configuration as resembling a marriage canopy and there is something apt about the analogy. So much comes together in the union of two people before their community. It is a spiritual force whose intensity cannot be maintained yet for the moment is there.
This archetype can also be thought of as a stated intention. In the case of a marriage, a couple are stating the intention that they intend to stay together and face whatever challenges come as a unit. When two people hold hands on a walkway, they are stating that they are together.
Astrological Correspondent:
Astrological correspondence – Venus in Aries – Aries is not the most natural place for Venus. Aries tends to be very individualistic while Venus is a very sensual, love-oriented energy. When Venus is in Aries, what would normally be slow and contemplative becomes forced and rushed though still with enjoyment and purpose. There is a feeling of immense energy combined in a beautiful form, There is an attraction towards independence and self-expression, an attempt to contain that which can be held only momentarily.
In a Reading:
When the Four of Wands occurs in a reading, it is a time of joy and boundless energy. It is a time of freedom where things are stable and we can go after anything that we wish. The question that arises is what do we do with this energy? Where do we go from here?
When the Four of Wands shows up reversed in a reading, it is still a time of happiness but the happiness and energy may not be that apparent. It may also indicate that the success and containment of the Four of Wands upright may be applied in a very untypical and unorthodox way.
Fate’s Whisper:
His impulses are a trait the Tiger holds dear. To take eternity into a waltz only for it to end in a breakdancing contest is a talent all its own, but to live like that as a norm is truly insane, or genius as the line is thin, on a whole other level. He is the one who became the muse of art that dragons aspire to reach. To be truly mad beyond reason yet churn life so flawlessly.
Many fell for this and so came into being the first forms of music and controlled madness.
We all have a mad genius inside us be it an engineer, sculptor, or teacher. To embrace this part of us gives birth to great change around us. Our mortality may limit our time but it is the envy of those who can’t appreciate life. Take the reins of your skills and aspirations life is waiting.