Chariot Reading

0-What am I leaping into at this time of my life?

III-The Empress

The Empress

3-What is my passion?

King of Wands (rev)

King of Wands

1-Where is the energy, the magic? VII of Wands

VII of Wands

4-What are the rules?IX of Pentacles

IX of Pentacles

5-What is the Path Laid Out for me?

King of Swords (reversed)

King of Swords

7-Where is it all heading

XII-The Hanged Man (Rev)

Hanged Man

6-How do I express my passion?

VII of Cups (Reversed)

VII of Cups

2-What is secret, hidden or unspoken?

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands


What am I leaping into at this time of my life? The Empress Creativity, Passion & Love-love in the sense of love for the universe and myself, heart-chakra stuff

Where is the energy? The Magic? VII of Wands“Dynamic, energetic, creative, possibly aggressive. There is a need to open ourselves up to fire” Yep lately I am getting fired up from surrounding myself (at least virtually with creative people and creating myself hmmm as well as creating, myself 🙂

What is secret, hidden or unspoken?Prince of Wands“Adventure, daring, someone energetic and forceful, As a person he can be very charming, confident; card of travel” qualities in myself i keep hidden or unspoken.

What is my passion? King of Wands (Rev)“Tested or in any way confined, he may react angrily; difficult circumstances may cause him to doubt himself”This card is in a strange place but makes an odd kind of sense. I tend to make my life more difficult than it has to be just to challenge myself to get out of situations, is probably one of my biggest ego traps. There is indication that i need to turn my passion around (using my creativity, the Empress is a keynote of the reading) so that i am channeling all the power at my command (which appears to be formidable) rather than dissipate it getting out of situations that I’ve put myself into

What are the rules? IX of Pentacles“Self-discipline, achievement, the possibility of achieving a good life for yourself” So does Gary play by the rules? or act typically? tho in reality I would say that the card is telling me to follow my bliss/follow my contentment.

What is the path laid out for me King of Swords (reversed)“Someone uncomfortable with exercising authority” I know Hillel’s argument way too well to think it refers to using one’s mind for one’s own gain rather than society’s “If I am not for myself, then who shall be for me, If I am only for myself than what am I” So i am not meant to take a leadership role, Cool, not my interest, I’ve always favored being Merlin, rather than Arthur, Gandalf rather than Aaragorn and Duncan Idaho over Paul Atreides

How do I express my passion? VII of Cups (Rev)“”The need to take action on fantasies. A choice might have to be made. Love might not be returned” The things I fantasize about in others, I need to incorporate into myself. I am my own missing piece

Where is it all heading? Hanged Man (Rev) “If the card primarily means being hung up, reversed can signify movement-getting unstuck or the end of a difficult sacrifice, it can mean conforming” It’s pretty difficult imagining that I’ll ever conform to the laws of society so let’s go with becoming unstuck and the end of a difficult sacrifice, it seems a lot will be revealed that I’ve kept hidden and movement forward may happen.
Any other thoughts? Anyone?….

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