Quote of the Day – November 2 2011

When nothing is for sure we remain alert, perennially on our toes. It is more exciting not to know which bush the rabbit 

is hiding behind than to behave as though we knew everything.”



    –Carlos Casteneda

I’ve been thinking about wisdom and how to define it. Self-knowledge seems to be a large component of wisdom. The more I know myself, the more I understand the universe. Do I become wiser as I understand the universe better? As I add to my experiences, I can better help others when they ask for advice or knowledge. Tho I find that if I truly need to know something, all I really need to do is look within and ask and usually I get an answer if I remain patient.. But still, it seems that wisdom has to mean more than just experience. I have met many who have had all varieties of experience whom I would not call wise. Likewise I have met many, who have had relatively sheltered lives yet within them seems to lie the wisdom of the universe. It seems to include understanding, patience so many things. Perhaps I many never be wise. That would be ok, I have the wisdom of others who have touched my life and that gives me (and others thru me?) both comfort and new avenues to explore. I may never be able to point to myself or have others point to me and say “He is wise”  but that’s ok, I still have much ignorance to dispel

    — G A Rosenberg

Click on image to see full-size

Rescue Mission by G A Rosenberg

Psychedelic Forest by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – November 2 2011”

  1. Gary, Love the quote today! absolutely resonates with where I am at right now :O) …you are very channeled, I am sure of that now..
    Could you please email me at gina@spacetoshine.com so that I can fwd you something that fits with were you are going with the publishing your art for sale.
    Thanks so much!


    1. Thanks Gina, Lately I’ve been lucky finding quotes that either resonate with the art I’ve done that day, what thoughts and emotions flow thru at the time or both. Looking forward to seeing

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