Quote of the Day – February 4 2011

“All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.”
–Carl Jung

Conceive, Believe, Achieve…I love conceptual space. Letting my mind run wild and child-like I reach and grab at any pretty or shiny thing that crosses my minds cape. Sometimes admiring and putting it to use, other times I let it go and wander onto the next thing, not too concerned about distractibility. If something wants to be created, it will be. Sometimes I can call it, other times not so much. Once an idea catches then it becomes times to play. I stretch it out to see if it visually stimulates or if it needs words, then I bend it, warp it, massage it, talk to it, commune and meditate, wrestle and negotiate,question and cogitate until it starts to manifest. Occasionally then a poem or a picture gets created. Other times just a line or two, or perhaps some pretty colours and patterns that will one day contribute to a picture. File it away for later use. Namaste, G

Click on images to see full-size

Reaching Out by G A Rosenberg

Violet Diamond Mandala by G A Rosenberg

2 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – February 4 2011”

  1. So true Gary! Love how you’ve expressed this, “Once an idea catches then it becomes times to play. I stretch it out to see if it visually stimulates or if it needs words, then I bend it, warp it, massage it, talk to it, commune and meditate, wrestle and negotiate,question and cogitate until it starts to manifest.”

    1. It becomes quite a work out at that. Not only with what I write (tho words of late don’t come quite as easily) but with my art as well. Tonight I had a serious discussion with one of my pictures. It kept insisting it was finished, I thought not so much. In the end we both won. 🙂 Namaste

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